I Need To Talk To You

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Lucas was sitting on the table with his feet on the bench at the river court. He was deep in thought about Haley and Brooke.

"You are a jerk!"
"You hurt Brooke!"

Since his argument with Haley yesterday his mind was on a loop, but only two things she said kept replaying. That he was a jerk and that he hurt Brooke. He felt awful.

He stared out at the court, his eyes on the basketball hoop, letting the awful feeling wash over him.

He saw her walking, but he couldn't move. He desperately wanted to get up and talk to her, but he knew she would never forgive him, so he sat quietly, waiting for her to walk away from him.

But instead she walked right up to him. He looked up and moved his hands down from his mouth to speak, but she started.

"I need to talk to you." She sounded sad and scared. He knew he hurt her, but he didn't know she felt that way now.

He took a deep breath. "Okay." He wanted to say more, but that was all that would come out.

She took a shaky breath and he got worried. He braced himself for her yelling, for her crying, for the heartbreaking words to spill from her pink lips.

"I've been thinking of a way to say this to you and I can't think of an easy way so I'll just say it."

She took another deep breath and his worry grew even stronger.

"I was late." She said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Like late late."

His eyes widened and his breath got caught in his throat as she spoke.

"I told Haley and she took me to a doctor in the city and, well, I'm pregnant." She tried not to cry, but he could see silent tears drop down her cheeks.

He gulped and tried to form thoughts or words.

Finally, after a moment, he managed to speak. "Is it mine?" He asked.

She scoffed and looked away from him. "Yes."

"Don't get mad. It's a fair question, Brooke."

She scoffed again and looked back at him. "I didn't cheat, Lucas, you did! I stayed faithful."

He sighed. "I know, but we've been broken up for awhile now, Brooke."

"So what?" She finally started crying, he could hear it in her words. "So you think I've just been sleeping around?! Do you think I'm already over you?! Believe me, Lucas Scott, I wish I was!" She choked back a sob. "I wish I was over you and the way you made me feel, but I'm not. I haven't been with anyone since you." She sobbed. "It's yours, but I don't need your help. If you don't want to be in your kids life then don't. Abandon it like your father did to you and it can be raised by it's mother and Uncle Nathan, sound familiar? Why don't you just go knock up Peyton so history will repeat itself!" She yelled then she left, storming off, and he couldn't get his body to move to chase after her.

He frowned deeply then he finally stood, grabbed his basketball, and started shooting hoops to clear his head.

Soon a car pulled up and he stopped playing letting the ball drop. He stood panting as a man got out and walked toward him.

"Nice night for a game, huh?" The man asked picking up the ball.

Lucas blew out a breath and nodded. "Yeah, sure."

"So, what did Brooke want?" He asked casually.

Lucas gulped and looked up at the older man. He took a few deep breaths while the man stood and waited for him to speak.

"She's pregnant."

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