Love and Trust

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They sat in Brooke's car, parked a block away.

"I'll be right out here if you need me." Haley said nicely. She saw how apprehensive Brooke looked, just staring, but not moving. "If you want me to come inside with you just nod." Haley offered. Brooke turned towards her and slowly nodded with a gulp. "Ok."

Haley got out of the car and walked around to Brooke's side then she took Brooke's hand and pulled her towards the big brown building.

An hour later they were back in the car and Brooke was just sitting and staring again.

"Are you okay?" Haley had been trying to find something to say for a few minutes now, but all she came up with was a question of concern.

Brooke gulped again. "I'm afraid if I talk, I'll cry." She said sounding choked up. Haley reached over and took Brooke's hand.

"Whatever you decide, Brooke, I'm here for you." Haley said softly. "Even if you want me to tell him for you. Maybe soften the blow a little bit. I can."

Brooke looked at her in shock. "You'd tell Lucas he knocked me up?"

Haley's mouth parted, but no words came out. "Um, I meant tell Nathan so he doesn't, ya know, kill Lucas." She licked her lips. "Brooke, you should be the one to tell Lucas."

She nodded. "I know. I just don't know what to tell him." She cried.

Haley rubbed her arm. "Tell him the truth and tell him what you're thinking about doing, and I know it will be hard, but listen to what he wants to do and then you can both make a choice about what is best for everyone." She sighed. "I don't want to believe Lucas would abandon you and his kid, but I also never thought he would be the kind of guy who cheats on his girlfriend so, I guess I don't know him as well as I thought." Haley sighed.

Brooke frowned. "I didn't know Peyton as well as I thought either. Haley, I just, um, thank you." She said with tears falling down her rosy cheeks.

Haley pulled her in for a hug. "Anytime. Anything you need, Brooke, I mean I am practically your baby's Aunt." Haley gave her a warm smile.

Brooke chuckled. "Well, I guess, that must make us practically sisters then."

Haley nodded. "Yeah. We are all practically family. You, me, Nathan, and Lucas." She said softly.

Brooke smiled a little then she gasped and had a disgusted look on her face. "Are Lucas and me related then? Because if so, I'm sorry, but you can't marry Nathan. I can't have a baby with someone I'm related to!"

Haley started laughing. "Lucas and I."

"We already know you two are practically related!" Brooke huffed.

"No, I was correcting your grammar." She chuckled. "It's Lucas and I. As for you and Lucas you are not related by blood so it's fine."

"Ohhh. Okay. Then you can marry Nathan."

Haley sighed. "I might."

Brooke blinked. "Well, why wouldn't you? You two love each other. Like an undying love, right?"

"Of course. I just worry that, that's how we feel now, but we won't feel that way forever."

"You mean you worry that he won't feel that way forever." Brooke corrected. "But he will."

"How do you know?"

"Have you slept together yet?" Brooke asked.

Haley shook her head. "I already told you we haven't. I'm a virgin."

"I know, but that was a few days ago."

Haley chuckled. "Still a virgin, Brooke."

"Because Nathan is willing to wait for you, until you're ready, which he has never done with any girl before, but he is willing to wait for you because he loves you."

Haley sighed. "That still doesn't mean he'll love me forever." She said.

Brooke shook her head. "You don't know Nathan like I do. If he is okay waiting days, weeks, months without sex and he hasn't left you yet then that boy's heart is yours. If there is one thing I know about Nathan it's that he will easily move on to a new girl when his girl isn't giving it up, but with you he doesn't. That is the closest thing to love I have ever seen."

Haley smiled. "I love him, so much, I guess I'm just kind of, a little scared."

Brooke nodded. "I know. It's scary giving your heart to someone, and it's even scarier to give your trust to someone." She frowned. "Especially when they break both."

Haley nodded.

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