I'll Be There

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Haley and Brooke came in and Nathan looked over at them.

"How did it go?"

Brooke just walked past him to the bedroom.

"Was it that bad?"

Haley sighed. "No. Lucas is trying and Karen loves Brooke, but I don't know, Brooke just got real quiet. She's been that way for like the last half hour."

Nathan nodded. "Must be a lot to take in. I'm gonna heat up some dinner."

"You're making dinner?"

He chuckled. "No. I'm heating up dinner."

"Oh. Well then I'll keep you company."

He smiled. "Good."

Thirty minutes passed and Nathan pulled out the three dinners. "See I can cook." He stated.

Haley chuckled. "Not burning frozen dinners is not exactly cooking."

"Eh, good enough. Hey, where's Brooke? She should be out by now."

Haley shrugged and took a bite of a fish stick.

Nathan frowned. "Where did she go? The bedroom or the bathroom?"

"I think the bathroom, why?" Haley asked.

Nathan dropped what he was doing.

"Nathan? What is it? What's wrong? Nathan?!" Haley called after him feeling confused.

"Brooke!" Nathan shouted making Haley jump up from her seat because he sounded scared and it's not everyday he sounds like that. She ran to the back and saw the open door. She saw Nathan holding Brooke and she brought her hand up to her mouth and cried.

"Hales! Call 9-1-1!" He shouted making her snap out of it and take out her cell phone quickly.

"Brooke, wake up! Brooke stay with me! Brooke!" Haley heard Nathan yelling, but it became muffled in her ears.

Everything happened so fast. An ambulance came to get Brooke, Nathan led Haley to the car so they could follow, Nathan called Lucas, and then they were at the hospital waiting. Just waiting.

Lucas came with Peyton behind him and Haley got upset. She finally was able to make herself move again as she stood up to go anywhere else.

Haley took a few deep breaths then she took out her phone. She could hear Nathan and Lucas yelling, but she couldn't hear what is was about.


She sighed. "Hey. I need your help. Can you come back home? Please."

"Not a good time Haley Bob. College is hetic."

Haley started crying. "Quinn, please. I don't know what to do. My best friend is falling apart and I can't help her and I'm afraid that she might die."

"Hey, slow down, Hales. What are you talking about? What's wrong? Lucas and some girl are hurt? Dying? What?"

Haley sniffed. "No, she is dying and it's Lucas' fault! Please, I need you. I can't handle this by my-"

"Okay, I guess I can take some time off and come home for awhile."

"Thanks, Quinn."

"I'll be there."

Haley hung up and walked back over to Nathan just in time to hear him yell something Brooke did not want Lucas to know about.

"She's suicidal and you knew that!" He yelled at Peyton, but it was Lucas who reacted afterward.

He lowered his body to the chair. "She's what?"

Peyton looked down in shame and Haley glared at her. "Is she okay?"

"Why do you care?!" Haley snapped.

Peyton looked at her. "She's my best friend."

Haley scoffed. "Last time I checked best friends didn't steal boyfriends."

"It was a mistake!" Peyton tried to defend herself.

"That kept happening?! Don't kid yourselves! It was lying, cheating, and stealing!" She yelled looked from Peyton to Lucas then back to Peyton. "It was you two not giving a rat's ass about Brooke because you think everyone is right about her and she is just some dumb slut!"

Lucas opened his mouth to argue, but Haley continued yelling.

"She is not just some dumb slut! Brooke is amazing and I hate that when I first met her I judged a book by it's cover and wrote her off as just "the head cheer leader" because that's not all she is! She is a girl with the biggest heart that I have ever known! She is smart and funny and just kind! Something I used to think the two of you were, but you're not!"

Nathan took Haley's arm and pulled her into his. "Hales, it's okay. She'll be okay. Brooke'll be okay."

Lucas put his head in his hands and Peyton walked away. He watched her go and wanted to go after her, but Brooke and his baby were in the hospital and he needed to know that they would be okay.

A doctor walked over and he stood, but Nathan let go of Haley and stepped in front of him.

"Is she okay? The baby?"

"Your friend will be alright, but-"Hearing the 'but' made everyone tense. They all felt so worried, so scared. "-it's highly unlikely that the baby would make it through the pregnancy without complications."

"But the baby is still alive, right?" Lucas asked.

The doctor nodded. "Yes, but chance of miscarriage is now increased, also premature birth, and even still birth. It's up to the mother if she wishes to continue or terminate her pregnancy at this point. We don't make discisions for them. She's in room 312 if you would like to talk to her." He said then he walked off.

Nathan pulled Haley back into his arms and Lucas stormed off angrily.

"Let's go see Brooke." Nathan said leading Haley down to the room.

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