Ruined Because of Me

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Lucas drove to Brooke's house and got out of his truck to find Haley.


She scoffed and went back to putting a few boxes in Nathan's car.

"Haley?" She didn't answer and he blew out a breath. "Is Brooke home?"

Finally she turned to talk to him. She looked angry.

"No. I'm getting her stuff so she can stay with Nathan so he knows she'll be safe. Now go away." She snapped slamming the trunk of the car closed.

Lucas sighed. "Safe from me? I wouldn't hurt her, Hales. You know that."

"You already hurt her! And not everything is about you, Lucas. Brooke needs to be kept safe from herself and you are not helping so leave her alone." She said then she walked around to get in the car. Lucas ran up and stood in her way. "Move."

"What do you mean from herself? What is she doing?" He asked, more like begged to know.

Haley shook her head. "That's not any of your business anymore, Luke."

He gulped. "Is she gonna get rid of it? Our baby?"

Haley saw the hurt in his eyes, but she was still angry so she snapped.

"Oh so now it's yours?! I thought she was just some dumb slut and it was her problem!"

"I never said that!"

"You implied it when you asked if it was yours! She was faithful and you weren't! And I can't believe it, but I know it's true! You became the exact person that I never wanted you to be, that you never wanted to be! Your mom and Keith NEVER wanted you to be anything like him and that is exactly who you have become! You are Dan! Exactly like him!" Haley shouted in his face.

Lucas felt anger take over his body and the next thing he knew Haley was on the ground. "H-Hales? I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

She got up, rubbed her cheek, and glared at him.

"Stay away from Brooke! And stay away from me!" She yelled at him then she shoved him away from the car door, got in, and quickly drove off.

Lucas watched the car leave with a frown on his face, it didn't look much different from his usual brooding look the Brooke loved to poke fun at.

He was "Broody" and she was "Cheery", but now, because of him, she was no longer her cheery self.

He closed his eyes and let some tears fall down his cheeks. "I ruined her. And I ruined my friendship with Haley too."

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