A Cold Shoulder

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Haley was standing by her locker when Lucas walked up behind her.

"Hey Hales. You didn't come over last nignt."

She moved a book from her bag into her locker with a frown on her face, but he couldn't see it.

"Uh, Hales. Do you have invisible headphones on? I'm talking to you." Lucas tried again. Haley huffed.

She slammed her locker and turned around then she tried to walk away, but he grabbed her arm.

"Haley! What's wrong?"

She turned to tell him off and saw Peyton walking over to them.

"Hey guys." Peyton said with a smile. Lucas let go of Haley and turned to smile at Peyton.

"Hey Peyton."

Haley scoffed and walked away from them.

Lucas turned back around. "Haley!"

She ignored him and kept walking until she caught up to Brooke, then she walked off talking to her.

Lucas blinked. "Haley and Brooke? Are they friends now?" He pouted.

Peyton shrugged. "I don't know, but if they are you should do something. I think Brooke is a little too wild for Haley." She said.

Lucas frowned worried. "I know. Brooke's great, but she's too party crazy and Haley doesn't need to be dragged into that."

Peyton put an arm on his shoulder and he turned.

He gave her a smile, then they walked off to find an empty classroom.

Nathan watched them, getting angrier by the second, then he went to find Haley and Brooke.

"Can you believe them?" Haley huffed. "I'm sorry, but it is not okay to just be like that! He is acting more like Dan Scott!"

Brooke chuckled. "I think you might actually be more upset than I am."

"I am! Because it is just wrong! At the rate he is going he will be just like Dan! You'll have a kid like Lucas that he'll abandon and Peyton will have a kid like Nathan that he'll mistreat! And they will grow up hating each other all because little Danny junior out there couldn't keep it in his pants!" Haley yelled, but the tutor center was empty so they didn't care.

Brooke was laughing. "I am not even sure if I'm pregnant or not and you are flipping out."

"I am!" Then Haley calmed down. "But after school you have to go find out, and I don't mean a home test, I mean a doctor." Seeing Brooke's fear she rubbed her arm. "We can go in the city. If you want me to come with you that is."

Brooke nodded. "Yeah. Please. If I find out and I don't like the answer I might drive right off the road." Brooke chuckled, but Haley could note a serious undertone.

"Well it's settled. After school we'll go in the city and I am driving." She said taking Brooke's keys off the table and putting them into her pocket.

Brooke chuckled again. "Okay, Tutor Wife." Haley quirked an eyebrow. "Just trying it out, you know." She said with a shrug.

Haley laughed it off.

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