I Can Keep A Secret

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Haley looked at Nathan, she let go of Brooke and wiped her eyes. She felt Brooke grip the bed.

"We started talking about movies, but I stupidly mentioned Old Yeller and... that poor puppy." Haley started crying.

Nathan's eyebrows rose.

"They had to shoot it." Brooke sobbed beside her. "It was so sad."

Nathan blinked. "Uh, I'm gonna go downstairs and grab a comedy." He shook his head. "You guys need a comedy, like now." He left the room again and Brooke chuckled.

"Wow, quick thinking, and thanks for not telling." She smiled.

Haley smiled back. "I can keep a secret, not forever, but for awhile. Um, did you take a test yet?"

Brooke sighed and shook her head. "I'm too scared. If I am then I'm just some dumb, knocked up slut, that's what everyone figured I would be eventually anyway."

Haley frowned. "You're not just some dumb slut and I wish you wouldn't say that about yourself. You are Brooke Davis, the most popular girl in school. Every girl, except me, wants to be you."

"Well they wouldn't if they actually knew me... wait, why not you?"

Haley chuckled. "Because I am perfectly happy being me, Haley James Scott." She smiled.

"Scott?" Brooke gasped.

"I was testing it out. He asked me to marry him."

Brooke squealed, then she looked confused. "You two know that you're like sixteen, right? Wait, are you pregnant?"

Haley scoffed. "We have not done anything and I'm waiting until marriage anyway. We just love each other."

Brooke frowned. "Wait... You're a virgin? How did you manage that?"

Haley chuckled. "Oh, it was so hard, there are just so many great guys to choose from." She said sarcastically. "Seriously before Nathan I never even thought about it."

"Yeah, me neither, well not before Nathan. I had like three or four guys before Nathan, but when we were growing up I never thought about it... much. I did lose it when I was thirteen though, but that was an awful drunk mistake with a guy who never called me again."

"I'm sorry, I am listening, but I kinda stopped after before Nathan... You and Nathan? I thought you said he was like a brother to you?" Haley frowned.

Brooke nodded. "Yeah, he is now, but back then Peyton dumped him and I was drunk so we hooked up. It wasn't love or anything, it was just another drunk mistake."

Haley was about to say something when Nathan walked back into the room. "Okay, I brought up all your favorites, Cookie. I got White Chicks, Mean Girls, and for some odd reason Heathers. I still don't think that movie is a comedy." He chuckled.

"It's a dark comedy and you may want to hold off on the movies, I just told Haley about that party."

Nathan frowned. "What party?" Brooke looked down. "Oh, that party."

"You said Brooke was your friend, not your ex."

"She is my friend and she is not my ex. Hales, we just got drunk. It was no big deal, okay that's not true because it became extremely awkward for a while after that, but that was because it was just sex and we thought it'd ruined our friendship."

"Yeah, everything he just said is the truth. Plus I have never even loved a guy until I met Lucas." Brooke gasped and then she started crying again.

Haley turned back to her and frowned. She hated that this girl was so broken because of her best friend. "Nathan, put in White Chicks."

He smiled and complied then he gave Haley a quick peck on the lips and sat down on the floor leaning against Brooke's bed while they watched the movie and laughed.

"Thank you Nate... and Tutor Girl. I needed this."

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