Please, Forgive Me

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"Brooke, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I never wanted to see you like this again, not after the last time, and I'm sorry if I pushed you to this." She sighed. "I just, I love him too, but he loves you, Brooke. I know he does, he told me." She walked closer and Brooke spared her a glance. "I asked him once who he wanted next to him when all his dreams came true and he said you." Peyton took a deep breath and sat down in the chair Lucas was just sitting in.

Brooke wanted to smile, but she frowned. "Why would you tell me that?"

Peyton sighed and gave a bitter smile. "I would have given anything to hear him say me."

Brooke took a shaky breath. "I do love him, but that doesn't matter."

"Brooke, I'm sorry, he loves you and I know that now and I just-"

"Peyton, stop. I'm having our baby and then I'm done." Brooke let a tear fall. "I'm done feeling bad and I'm done crying, over him, about you, I'm just done." Brooke sighed.

Peyton gulped. "Brooke, I really am sorry. Please, forgive me." She said her voice shaking with fear.

Brooke nodded. "I do. I forgive both of you, but that doesn't mean I want you back in my life. Not when I know you'll only hurt me again."

Peyton wiped away a tear. "Brooke, I never wanted to hurt you. You are my best friend."

There was a knock at the door and Brooke turned then she smiled.

"Hey, I got you some food from Karen's because hospital food stinks." Haley said walking in with a bag and a bear. "And I stopped at the gift shop because I couldn't resist getting you a bear."

Brooke grinned. "Thanks Hales. Did Lucas tell you I'm keeping the baby?"

Haley sighed and dropped the bag on the bed by her feet. "I saw him and he mentioned it. Did he talk you into it?"

Brooke shook her head. "No, I swear he didn't."

Haley gave her a small smile. "Okay, then I'll support your decision."

"Thank you, best friend. What did you get me?" Brooke asked with some excitement in her voice.

Peyton watched the two and frowned.

"I got you a chicken parm and some fruit salad." Haley said taking it out of the bag and handing it over to an excited Brooke.

"Yay. I love chicken parm and fruit salad!"

Haley chuckled. "I know. And purple and blue which is why I got you a purple bear with a little blue bow." She said holding out the bear.

Brooke and Peyton both gaped at the teddy bear.

"Awe, Thanks." Brooke said taking the bear.

Haley sat down on the bed. "I guess I'm gonna have to buy some more for your baby." She chuckled. "Maybe a few hundred thousand." She laughed making Brooke laugh along with her.

"Woah. Not that many Hales, I won't have any room for the baby."

Haley laughed. "Well you and Lucas will just have to get a big place, maybe next door to Nathan and I when we buy a house."

Brooke gasped. "Did you marry Nathan already?!"

She chuckled. "Not yet, Brooke. We're still in high school. Be careful though Lucas might propose now that you two are keeping the baby." She chuckled.

Brooke smacked her leg. "Do not even joke about that!" She laughed.

Peyton sighed and got up then she left the room.

She saw Lucas walking down the hall and walked up to him. "Lucas, I-"

He sighed. "I'm sorry, Peyton. Brooke needs me and I love her." Lucas walked past Peyton and down to Brooke's room.

Peyton watched him with a frown then she turned to walk away again.

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