You're Not Our Father

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Lucas knocked on the door and braced himself for the punch he knew he deserved from Nathan.

Nathan stepped out and Lucas stepped back. "You hit Haley?!" He shouted, then he slammed the door shut behind him.

Lucas sighed. "Yes. I was overcome with anger and I slapped her, but I didn't mean to so just punch me and get it over with-"

"I would've hit anyone who called me Dan too, even Haley, as much as I love her that is a line you just don't cross. You're not our father, Lucas, and yes I said 'our father'."

Lucas nodded. "I don't want to be. I want to be there for my child and yes I know it's mine. I just asked because I was afraid and I hoped that maybe it wasn't mine, but I never meant to imply that Brooke was just some dumb slut because she was so much more than that to me. I messed up, but I want to make things right again."

Nathan nodded. "I know, and that's why you're nothing like our father."

"Neither are you. I once thought you were, but you're better than him."

Nathan chuckled. "You can thank Haley for that."

Lucas shook his head. "No. She just brought out what was already under all that Daddy Dan stuff."

"Thanks. Look, they're just upset, okay. Talk to 'em, but keep your distance. Like far distance, they'll throw things." Nathan chuckled.

Lucas chuckled too. "Yeah, I know."

Nathan turned to open the door. "Oh and I have to live with them so storm past me so it doesn't seem like I'm letting you in."

Lucas chuckled again.

Nathan opened the door and Lucas stormed past him. "Brooke! Haley! I have to talk to you two!"

They snapped their heads at Nathan and he just shrugged. "I tried to stop him from coming in, but he shoved past me... maybe you two should just talk to him." He said then he walked over to the refrigerator.

"I'm not leaving until you hear me out!" Lucas yelled in determination.

"You slapped Haley?" Brooke asked angrily.

"Yes, and I'm sorry, but she said I was like Dan and I snapped! I don't want to be like him! I want to be there for you! And for our baby! I will not abandon my child!"

Brooke huffed and Haley sighed. "It's my child!" Brooke snapped at him.

"And mine! I know I said it wasn't, but I was just scared! I'm just as scared as you are, Brooke! I-I-I didn't want it to be mine because I didn't want to disappoint my mom! But I did, she's disappointed, and she's even more disappointed that I didn't want to claim my child, but I do. I'll claim him or her and help you raise it if you want to keep it."

Brooke's eyes filled with tears. "I don't know what I want, but I know that I do not want Peyton to play mommy to my kid."

Lucas sighed. "I'm not even with Peyton."

"Liar." Haley scoffed.

He snapped his attention to Haley. "We're friends."

"You were just sneaking off with her the other day or did you think no one saw that?" Haley said crossing her arms over her chest and glaring.

Lucas blinked. "I will tell her that we are just friends. Brooke, I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you." He frowned.

She shook her head. "That doesn't matter, in the end it all hurts just the same."

Lucas shut his eyes, he couldn't look at her broken expression any longer. "I'm sorry and I will make things right." He turned to leave then looked back at Haley. "With both of you." Then he walked out the door.

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