The Tears For The Lost- Last Chapter

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Haley and Quinn were sitting on the couch when Nathan walked in with his brother Lucas.

"What is he doing here?!" Haley snapped immediately jumping up and getting upset with them.

Nathan just gave her a smile. "Calm down, Hales. Brooke forgave Lucas. Why can't you?"

Lucas frowned. "Haley, I didn't do anything to you. I know I messed up with Brooke, but I'm trying to fix that. I even stopped talking to Peyton. I love Brooke and I won't screw things up again. Please." He sighed. "Come on, Hales."

Haley took a deep breath. "I want to believe you, Lucas, I do." She sighed. "Brooke loves you and she needs you so I can't keep you away, but our friendship? It's over." She stated making his frown deepen. Quinn stood and put a hand on her little sister's shoulder. "No." Haley shrugged it off. "I mean it Quinn. I am done with you, Lucas. You are not the guy I thought you were when we became best friends. You have disappointed me and no amount of apologizing can fix that." She said then she walked away.

"Wow. You really screwed up." Quinn commented. "Sorry.

Lucas sighed. "I don't know what's worse, losing Brooke or losing Haley." She pouted.

"For me it would be Haley. I love Brooke like a sister, but I'm madly in love with Haley so if I lost her it would be like I lost everything." Nathan stated.

There was a knock on the door and Nathan turned around to get it. He saw Peyton and frowned.

"Didn't you cause enough trouble?" He asked harshly.

She took a shaky breath. "You know there was a time when you loved me." She said sadly.

Nathan nodded. "There was a time when you didn't stab your best friend in the back too, but that just seems so long ago."

Peyton huffed. "Fine, whatever, hate me then, but I need to talk to Lucas." She said seriously.

Lucas looked over. "What is it?"

"Can we talk outside, please?"

Nathan looked over at Lucas. "Didn't you just say you were done talking to her." He said.

Lucas nodded. "I am. I'm sorry Peyton, but I can't talk to you."

Peyton started crying. "I get that, I do, but I have to tell you something. Please talk to me."

Lucas sighed. "I would, but I could mess things up with Brooke again and I can't do that. She needs me. Our child needs me. I'm sorry Peyton."

"I need you too, Lucas! I can't handle this on my own! I can't be like Brooke!" She yelled at him, her crying making it very difficult to understand her.

"Peyton, calm down." He walked over and put his hands on her arms. "Calm down. What is it? What's going on? Tell me."

Nathan and Quinn watched.

They crying brought Haley out of her room and she walked over to Nathan. She was about to yell at Lucas, but Nathan shushed her.

"Peyton, tell me, what's wrong?"

Peyton looked up at Lucas, into his eyes. "I'm pregnant."

Lucas stared at her in shock and fear. He couldn't make words come out of his mouth.

"Nice job, Danny Jr." Haley scoffed then she shook off Nathan's arm and went back to her room. Nathan stared.

Quinn stared too, just as shocked.

Lucas tried to think, but he couldn't. He tried to to talk, but he couldn't. He just stared at her.

"Lucas, please say something."

He opened his mouth to try and force some words out.

Haley came back out and their attention to to her, except Lucas who kept staring at Peyton.

"Karen called. Something is wrong with Brooke." She said then she walked past Lucas and Peyton to go get in the car.

Nathan shook off his shock and followed after her with Quinn not too far behind him.

Lucas finally looked away from Peyton. "I'm sorry. Brooke needs me and I love her." He said then he walked out leaving Peyton alone at Nathan and Haley's.

Peyton broke down in sobs. Not only did the boy she love not love her back, but something was wrong with her best friend and everyone else hated her. She forced herself to leave and started walking down the stairs to her car. When she reached her car she couldn't stop crying so she didn't want to drive. Instead she sat and cried for hours.

"Peyton?" She heard a voice and opened her eyes to his face.


"Hey. You okay?" He asked.

"No." She sobbed.

He quickly went over to the other side and got in then he wrapped his arms around her in comfort.

"Sush. It'll be okay."

"No it won't. Everyone hates me and I deserve it. Brooke might be dying and she hates me." She continued to sob in his arms.

He gave her a sad smile. "If it helps. I don't hate you."

She managed a small smile. "Thanks Jake. I needed that."

He smiled. "Anytime. You want to go see Brooke? I'll drive you."

Peyton shook her head. "She doesn't want to see me."

"If you care and want to check on her then I'll drive you."

"But Brooke wouldn't want-"

"She doesn't have to see you. We can just go see how she's doing."

Peyton nodded and got out of her car so they could switch seats.

Jake got in the drivers seat and drove them to the hospital.

When they got there everyone was already there, and crying.

Peyton felt scared and Jake saw so he put his arm around her.

They saw Nathan holding onto Haley and her sister rubbing her back. They saw Lucas crying in Keith's embrace while his mother was crying on the chair.

"What happened? Is Brooke okay?" Peyton asked.

Haley looked up and glared at her. Nathan shook his head at her and pulled Haley back into his arms. Lucas wouldn't look away from his uncle. Karen barely lifted her head.

Quinn knew the story, but she didn't know Peyton enough to hate her so she stood and walked over to the younger girl.

Her words faded in and out as she explained what happened.

Peyton fell to her knees and Jake quickly got down to hold her.

Quinn frowned and walked back to her seat beside Haley.

Everyone just kept sobbing.

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