You Deserved That

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The man sighed and shook his head. "Luke."

"I know. I know, Keith, but I messed up."

He nodded. "You're damn right you messed up."

"You gonna tell mom?"

He shook his head and stepped closer. "No, you are, and you're gonna tell her before she finds out from someone else."

"I don't know how! She is gonna be so mad and disappointed in me!"

He nodded and scratched at his beard. "She's not the only one, Luke."


Brooke knocked on Nathan's door and Haley opened it. She saw the tears streaming down her cheeks and took her into her arms then she led her inside where Nathan was on the couch watching tv.

"What happened?" He asked when he heard Brooke sobbing.

"He asked if it was his."

Haley scoffed. "What?"

Brooke sniffed. "I've been known to sleep around and he thought after we broke up I was sleeping around again." She cried.

Nathan got up and grabbed his car keys. "Can I go kick his ass now Haley?" He asked angrily.

Haley sighed. "Nathan, we've been over this."


"It's 'May I' and yes you may." She smirked.

Nathan grinned while rolling his eyes and walked out the door.

Haley took Brooke over to the couch and held her while she cried.


"Keith, I'm sorry!"

"Say that to Brooke. You know I didn't catch all of that conversation you two had, but I did see her leave upset so I don't think you handled it the right way. Assuming she's been sleeping around when you cheated on her is low. It's Danny level!"

Lucas groaned and threw the ball. "I know, but how could I have known that she hasn't been with anyone since me?!"

Keith shook his head. "I don't know, but you never assume things." He sighed and walked over to sit down on the table with his feet on the bench. "You told me about a choice you had and I told you that I thought you were good. You had a beautiful girl bringing you coffee in the morning. A lot of guys would kill for that life."

Lucas sighed. "I know, but, but Brooke's just-"

"Brooke's what?"

They didn't hear the car, but they heard his voice.

"Keith." He nodded.

"Nathan." Keith nodded.

"Do you mind leaving? I want to kick Lucas' ass and I do respect you enough to not do it in front of you, even though you chose go play Uncle with him." He grumbled.

Keith frowned. "Okay, first of all, you and I are gonna have a talk about that comment and second Luke deserves what's coming to him so go for it, but I wouldn't be a very good adult if I let you kick his ass." Keith shrugged. "So you get one punch, make it count, then you walk away. Got it?"

Nathan nodded. "Fine."

"Luke, take it like a man."

Lucas turned and glared at Nathan. "Fine, but not the fac- *cough* He was cut off when Nathan's fist went into his stomach.

"I should have asked to kick you in the ba-"

"That's enough. Walk away, Nathan."

Nathan looked from Lucas, now on the ground, to Keith. "Fine."

He walked to his car, then slammed the door shut, and drove off quickly.

Keith let Lucas groan on the ground for a moment then he went to help him up. "You deserved that."

"I- know- ugh."

"Now, go tell your mom."

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