What Are We Talking About?

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Haley stormed into the house with the bag of food. She saw Brooke and Nathan laughing about something that happened when they were kids.

"Here. Eat." She said dropping the bag on the table. She groaned and stormed out of the room.

Nathan and Brooke shared a look then they got up to follow her.

"We weren't flirting!" Nathan yelled. Brooke smacked his arm.

"She knows that. What's wrong, Tutor girl?"

Haley scoffed. "Lucas is this huge jerk that I never thought he would be! First he told me to stay away from Nathan and now he is telling me not to be friends with you!"

Brooke's jaw dropped. "He thinks that low of me? I thought he was such a great guy."

Haley scoffed. "So did I, but he isn't! He is a jerk! He has a responsibility to you and he is just off with Peyton doing whatever he wants!" She yelled.

Nathan frowned. "Look, Brooke is one of my best friends, and I love her like a sister, and Lucas is being a jerk, but he doesn't really have a responsibility to an ex, no guy does really. When a girl stops being your girlfriend you stop being held responsible for what she does. If Brooke does something stupid, which I hope she doesn't, Lucas isn't responsible for that."

Haley and Brooke glared at him harshly.

"We're not even talking about the same thing!" Haley yelled annoyed.

Nathan looked confused. "What are we talking about then?" He asked.

Brooke sighed and Haley blew out a breath.

Nathan looked from one girl to the other. The both looked like they were trying really hard not to say something important.

"What are we talking about?" He asked again. This time his tone of voice was more stern.

Brooke sighed and Haley looked at her with a look of sympathy. She nodded at Haley and frowned.

Haley took a deep breath. "Brooke is pregnant."

Nathan's eyes went wide and he looked at Brooke in shock. Her head was hung and he knew it was true. "I'm gonna kill him."

Brooke's head snapped up and Haley grabbed Nathan's arm before he could walk away. "No!"

"Haley, I'm gonna kill him! He can't just leave her alone with a baby and-" She cut him off.

"He doesn't know!"

Nathan let out a breath he was holding. "Really?"

Haley nodded. "I would never lie to you. Brooke hasn't told him yet. She just found out today."

Nathan sighed and run a hand through his hair. He looked around Haley to Brooke. "Are you okay?"

Brooke shook her head.

Nathan walked around Haley. "I'll beat him up. If you tell him and he acts like a jerk I'll beat him up. I promise you."

Brooke gave him a little smile. "I know you will."

Nathan sighed. "What can I do to make you feel better? Do you want a Natey hug, Cookie?"

Brooke pouted and nodded. "Yes please."

Nathan stepped forward and took her into his arms. "Any better?"

"No." She sighed. "This isn't a forgotten birthday or a broken toy." She said sadly against his chest.

"How about a loving sandwich? Those always make me feel better. My parents say it's a bubble of comforting love." Haley said making them look over at her.

Brooke nodded. "Whatever that is, sign me up for one."

Haley walked over and hugged Brooke too.

Brooke grinned. "This feels much better. Thanks guys. You're the best."

Nathan met Haley's eyes met over Brooke's shoulder. 'I love you.' He mouthed with a smile.

'Always.' Haley mouthed.

'And forever.' Nathan mouthed back holding the two girls he loved the most in his strong arms.

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