It's Your Choice

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Nathan and Haley entered the hospital room and walked over to the two chairs by the bed.

They sat and Brooke turned to them.

"Nathan, I wasn't-"

"Stop." He said holding up his hand. "You and I both know you were, but we can talk about that later." He put his hand down on hers. "Brooke, the baby may not make it. So if you want to terminate you can. It's up to you." He said softly rubbing her hand with his thumb.

Brooke frowned. "I didn't mean to hurt it."

"We know." Haley gave her a small smile. "It's okay, Brooke. It's your choice. Whatever you decide Nathan and I will be here for you."

Brooke let some tears fall. "I can't kill it... I can't, but will it die anyway?"

Nathan sighed and nodded. "It's a... high possibility. Miscarriage or still born. I'm sorry."

"I killed my baby." Brooke started sobbing. Nathan looked down and bit his lip hard to stop himself from crying. Haley got up and moved over to the bed to hold Brooke.

"No. It's okay. It's not dead and it may not die."

"But it might, and it's all my fault." She cried.

"Sush. Sush. Sush. It's okay, Brooke. It's okay. It's your choice, just make the choice you think is best." Haley whispered.

Brooke was shaking with sobs. "I just- I want to die. I just want to die."

"That's not an option.." Haley said as sternly as she could. "Brooke, it'll be okay. I promise you. You will make the right choice I know you will." She gave Brooke a smile.

Brooke looked into her eyes. "I can't be pregnant anymore, Haley." She said in a raspy voice. "I can't."

Haley nodded. "I know. I told you that you would make the right choice." She said resting her head on Brooke's shoulder.

Nathan stood. "I'm gonna go get Lucas. Someone should." He said then he left the room quickly.

"Don't let Lucas talk you into something you don't want." Haley whispered.

"Don't leave me." Brooke cried, but Haley just started chuckling.

"Over my dead body. You don't leave me." Haley said seriously. "Okay?"

Brooke gulped, but then she nodded against her.

Nathan found Lucas sitting in the waiting room again. He sighed and walked over to sit down beside his brother.

"You didn't want to see her?" He asked curiously.

Lucas sighed.

"She decided to terminate her pregnancy if you wanted to see her before that happens I'd go now."

Lucas looked up from his hands. "How can she do that? What about it's life? It's just a little baby."

"It's barely alive and it doesn't have much chance of surviving. She is doing the right thing. Giving it more time, more life, when it may not even survive is just... it's cruel. Even if she kept carrying it there is still the risk of miscarriage or even the baby dying after birth. It's too risky. Plus Brooke is hardly stable. This wasn't her first attempt and I don't think it will be her last." He sighed. "It's your choice, Brooke or your unborn baby, because I can promise you that if you talk her into keeping it you will lose her, one way or another." He said then he stood up and left.

Lucas sighed and smacked his hand off the arm rest a few times. He took out his phone and made an important call.

"Hello?" He sighed in relief when he heard her voice over the phone.

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