Chapter 2

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I wake up to yells and shuffling coming from outside my room. I open my eyes and turn to see it was still dark outside. I stay awake a little longer and I don't hear anymore noises so i decide to go back to sleep when I hear my door being opened. Its Freya. 

I look up and sit up on my bed and smile. Back so soon. I say sarcastically since she's been out all day and it was already 4:48 am.

Freya ignores my comment. Get up we need you downstairs. She said seriously. Why? Whats wrong? i ask as i was getting up from my soft, warm bed. Kol is missing. She said with worry in her eyes.

My heart began to race...why? he's probably just out causing havoc like he always does. He's probably in some bar getting drunk while thinking about Davina.

Freya walks out and  I follow right behind. We walk downstairs to see a panicked Klaus.

We need to do something! We can't just sit here and do nothing as those wretched people are hurting our dear brother! Klaus yelled out getting more and more louder towards the end of his sentence.

My heart begins to race again when i heard him say that. I know brother but right now we just need to stay put until Freya finds where Kol is being kept. Elijah said calmly, but you could see in his eyes he was scared for his brother's life.

Whats happening? i asked firmly as Freya took out a baggie containing vials of blood with names written on them. She took out the one with the name Kol. As she continued to set up the map, Elijah explained to me what had happened.

I nodded and smiled trying to keep my calm mask on. Well lets get to work then. I said as i turned to see Freya doing her spell. I hear Hailey on the top of the stairs. She walks down and walks straight to Elijah. Any news? she asked as she turned to Freya.

Finally the spell was done and we all looked at the map.

the drop of blood is moving towards us..? I said and Klaus and Elijah quickly disappear.

I look at the map again and smile....until i see another drop of blood...this time somewhere far from New Orleans.

Freya? Are you sure this is right? i ask hurriedly

Yes of course wh...She begins to tell me but soon trails off when she sees the other drop  of blood.

What?! she yells and quickly does the spell again. Right when she finishes the spell Klaus, Elijah....and Kol come in. 

We look at Kol and i sigh in relief but I quickly look back at the map to see the drop of blood still there, but this time it was New Orleans.


I wake up to see nothing but black. I remember talking to klaus when i was attacked from behind and everything went dark.

I stand up and try walk but i didn't know where i was going. I soon see a bright flash of light in front of my eyes, blinding me and making me fall backwards.

I tried to open my eyes but the light burned my eyes.

I feel two hands on me and i immediately began to fight back. One swing, then another, and another. I kept swinging at the person until i was able to finally open my eyes.

I open my eyes to see a man, a vampire, on the floor bleeding trying to stand back up. Hmmm..not bad for someone who was blind, i told myself proudly.

I was able to see light that was coming from under the door. I quickly rip the man's heart out and walk towards the door.

I kick it open and hurriedly get out of there, killing anyone in sight.

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