Chapter 7

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What happened? what did you guys see? is it true? All I heard was Freya babbling on and on with these same questions. No one answered as we were all still staring at Thalia who was still asleep.

I finally decide to enlighten them on what we just saw. Its true...shes our child...I started off then began to tell Marcel, Hayley, and Freya everything I saw in my flashback..or memory. By the end of it they were all just as stunned as I was.

We were all brought out of our trance when we noticed Thalia shaking. Kol gets up quickly and stands over her, I do the same and soon every one else is joining us. We all stay a few inches away from her to give her space.

We all kept staring at this fragile and small child who kept shaking in fear. A few tears spilling out of her eyes that are closed tightly. I couldn't help but notice her holding her neck like if she was in pain. She squirms around as if in pain.

Whats happening to her? I ask looking at Freya. 

She's living her memories..

What? what does that mean? Rebekah asks the question that was clearly on all our minds

This spell doesn't just give you your memories back. It makes you live them. When you were all asleep, you guys weren't quietly sleeping. Any pain, love, or happiness you were showed it here. While Jaz was sleeping she was laughing then crying. Kol was laughing, then crying, then he was angry. She's doing the same...I just don't know why she's still sleeping, she should have woken up the same time you all did.

Freya finished and I understood it all. I just wonder what she's dreaming about. All I see is pain...everything she is expressing is pain, did my child really live such a horrible life? 

I couldn't be the only one to realize that as everyone had the same worried looking face.

I was right next to her near her head as she was laying down, Kol was on my left leaning down as well, Freya was on my right standing, Elijah was a few inches away next Kol and right beside him was Klaus then Rebekah and Marcel. Hayley was looking down on the other side of the couch.

She kept crying and crying until it started to get harder, she yelled out...this time not in pain but as if she was scared. She shot up yelling and continued sobbing and crying. She was in a sitting position and I put my hand on her back and rubbed it. She turned to me and I was finally able to see her beautiful eyes.

They were just like mine, she had a few tears in her eyes, she looked at me then turned to see everyone else and soon she went back to sleep. I wiped the tears from her eyes and was going to pick her up but Kol beats me to it.


Her eyes were just as Jaz's eyes. I couldn't help but stare. This is really my child? I couldn't help but remember when she was born. How warm she felt in my arms, how small and fragile she was, how warm and tingly she made me fee-no. no.

Why am I thinking like this. The moment this girl wakes up Marcel is going to take her and she's going to leave. Thats for the best. I would just ruin her. If Jaz wants to play mother daughter then so be it, but I will not.

I see her look at Jaz then she turns to see everyone. She had a lot of tears streaming down her cheeks, I couldn't help but feel worried. Why was she in so much pain? Why was she afraid? But the question that got me the most was Who? Who put her through this?

Thalia turned to look at me with her beautiful eyes and i could help but stare back. Why did I feel my heart skip a beat? I don't care for any of this! 

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