Chapter 17

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I finally arrived home, weirdly though, my entire walk home consisted of many calls from Kol and many texts from Klaus and Hayley. 

Kol called me many times and I ignored most of them as much as I could until I finally had enough and answered. He told me I needed to get home quickly, that of course made me walk slower.

I only started walking a little faster when Hayley and Klaus started texting me about them needing me urgently. 

I arrived home and entered the family room and saw everyone looking at me with worried expressions. I looked around the room panicking, maybe Thalia was hurt and thats why everyone was acting weird. But soon that thought faded away when I found Thalia sitting next to Kol, safe.

Whats going on? I asked when no one was putting in the effort to explain.

Theres something you need to know, please sit. Klaus responded, pointing towards a seat in front of everyone. 

I hesitantly took a seat. Thalia stood and sat in front of me and began to explain everything.


So, thats why you've been on the run. I said in a more of a realization tone than a questioning one.

She nodded and opened her mouth, but hesitated for a moment until Rebekah put a hand on her shoulder, they both looked at each other and Rebekah nodded her head like if telling her it was okay. 

I have a feeling Ronan is coming-

How do you know? did something happen? I cut her off with my questions.

No! its just, please let me explain.

I nodded and she continued.

I think Jack may be working for Ronan.

What?! Jack....he wouldn't! I defended him, not being able to believe what she was saying.

Why does it matter? Lets just go and kill the bastard. Problem solved. Kol added and I turned to glare at him.

Were not killing him because he isn't working for that prick! 

Let me explain! please mom! Thalia blurted out and I couldn't believe my ears.

Did she really just call me mom? My heart began to race and all I could feel was warmth filling my insides. It began from my heart and spread all throughout my entire body. Something I've been waiting for since the moment I found out I had a daughter, had actually became reality.

I stayed silent and she took that as her chance.

I know you may not agree, but right now I just need to be able to lay out all the facts, without any interruptions, and then you can decide for your self.

I nodded and she began.

I find it weird how Jack just appeared out of nowhere, not only that, but also the way he reacted when he found out I was your child, she paused for a moment looking a little nervous but still moved forward, then when we were coming out of the store I saw something on Jack's wrist. I might have been wrong but I saw an R.

My heart stopped. It was an R that she saw, because I saw the same thing. I mentally prayed that what she said next was anything but bad. But of course. I was wrong. Completely wrong.

Ronan prints those R's on anyone who does a job for him. From killing someone for him to bringing him a bag of chips. Ronan likes to know he's in control of everyone and their lives. And believe me I know, I know because I've been printed on too. 

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