Chapter 11

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I left.

I don't really know what broke my heart more, the love of my life in the arms of another or the fact that he completely forgot about me and fell in love with my closest friend.

Either way, I couldn't handle it. I did an amazing job at hiding what I felt, then again I've been doing so for the past 700 years.

I told everyone it was time for me to explore the world on my own. This is the first time I've ever left their side and its very weird. I'm currently in the U.K, Brighton to be exact, and its lovely!


I was in a bar enjoying my Gin and Tonic when I feel someone staring very intently at me from the other side of the bar. I didn't look up, as I didn't want that person to think me looking up was an invitation for them to come up and begin a conversation.

I just want to enjoy the night, alone. If I was feeling hot, then maybe I would go fetch me someone who was willing to have some fun up in my hotel room.

Still, I felt a heavy stare and it was starting to bother me. I thought whoever was staring at me was getting up to leave but instead they sat next to me.

Lovely night.


The man next to me stayed quiet for a moment then continued.

Can I buy you a drink?

No, thank you. I am just going to finish this drink then head back to my hotel.

ahhh, so you're not from here?

No...I am not.

I continued to look ahead as I drank my gin. He clearly wasn't getting the hint, and still sat next to me.

You look very familiar.

Yeah, I get that a lot.

Im sure you do...Jasmine..?

I looked up from my drink and looked at the man. I studied him until I saw those familiar deep blue eyes of his. Jack.

I smiled realizing who this man was and he smiled back.

You know, I never thought I would see you again after you and your very lovely family fled Bristol. Jack said with obvious sarcasm when saying "very lovely family".

I put down my drink and opened my arms for a hug, he gladly accepted and I found myself in a tight and warm embrace with an old friend.

We met centuries ago back in Bristol, we were still on the run, but we ended spending about a week there. I met him behind a bar, I was walking by and found him eating out of the trash. I turned him and we became good friends through out that week. We left quickly and I had no time to give a proper goodbye. I'm surprised I remembered him.

I ended up spending about three more hours in the bar with Jack, talking and catching up and soon I found myself naked in bed with Jack. We laid in bed breathing heavily and sweating.

You are an amazing girl Jasmine. He said still trying to catch his breath, I smiled and began to kiss his chest and began to move all the way up until our lips met. 

I fell back asleep and woke up to a missing Jack. Just how I wanted it. 


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