Chapter 19

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I held Hope in my arms and I knew that any moment my arms would give out. My arms felt weak as I continued to shake. I felt numb.

The moment Ale-, no, the moment Ronan said who he really was, I thought about every moment we shared, every secret we told, every adventure we ran into....everything.

He was the first person who I thought loved me. He told me he loved me. It was all a lie. All of those special memories I held so close to my heart, are shattered. He filled the void in my heart, and it was all a lie.

Tears streamed down my face uncontrollably, but my face, my face showed no emotion. He broke me. I didn't feel sad, I felt betrayed. The tears kept flowing until I had no more. 

He stared at me with that smile that would, before, make me fall head over heels. But now, I just want to throw up. I want to rip that ugly smile off his face.

I felt the hand that had been on my back to comfort me, move up until it reached my shoulder then squeezed tightly, not enough to hurt me, but enough to feel safe. That touch made me feel as if everything would be okay...weirdly enough, Ale-Ronan's touch never made me feel that way.

I held onto Hope closer to my chest, trying to keep her steady in my arms.

I...wil stop at...Nothing...until....I can...r-rip....your head...o-o-ff...and feed it to...the...arrgh! I heard Kol speak painfully and in between breaths, he couldn't finish his sentence and ended up yelling in pain.

I took in a deep breath, I need to push away my feelings for now and focus on the main problem. Ronan.

If anything goes wrong, me and Hope might not have a family anymore, and that can't happen. Hope can't grow up with out a family, or worse, she can't end up living with Ronan.

I looked up at Nicolas, he was still staring down at me, regret and guilt bright in his eyes.

I looked back at Ronan and glared at him. What do you want, Ronan.

He smiled even bigger, You know what I want Thalia, my love.

So, what are you waiting for? I know you're doing this for a reason.

Oh yes you see, I still am going to kill them all, but someone special wanted to have a little fun with one of these monsters. Ronan said while pointing at my family.

I chuckled lightly at the way he referred them to Monsters, when he was one himself, but my humor soon died down. Who was that special person?

I looked at him with a curious expression. Who? that was the only question I asked, the only question I needed to ask, in order to defeat my enemy, I must know who my enemy is.

Ah yes! Rose my love! Please come in! Its time! Ronan raised his voice and turned to look at the door where a beautiful brown haired woman came walking in, she looked just mother..

I stared in shock. Who is she?

The woman came in and stood right next to Ronan, he put his arm around her waist and brought her closer. They both leaned in close...and Kissed.

My entire face went red and all I could see was red.

Rose..?.......Rosie?? I hear Jaz say. I look back at her and I could see tears in her eyes as she looks at Rose.

Rose turns and looks at Jaz.

Hello Jasmine. 

R-rose..w-what are you doing? Jaz asked nervously as Rose looked at her with an evil grin.

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