Chapter 10

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Kol and I had arrived to the house really fast. He left right away to his room and left me no time to say thank you. Right when I got there Jaz appeared out of nowhere and helped me with my bag up to my new room.

Wow, is this all your clothing? Were seriously going to need to go shopping.

Yeah...I guess so.

She helped me put in my few clothing articles into my closet as we talked about random things. Putting the very, very few things I had with me away took less than half an hour. And soon I found myself having a very long conversation with Jaz. 

Throughout that night we would walk downstairs and find something to eat and walk back up, all while still having that deep conversation.

It was around 3am when I started falling asleep, Jaz kissed my forehead and left. I was so tired that my eyes were getting heavier and heavier by the second. Right before I closed my eyes, I could have sworn I saw Kol come into my room and kiss me goodnight. 

Probably just tired. Or he actually cares for you!! That little voice in the back of my head told me. 

Of course not! He's..he's....he's Mean! Why would he care for me?

Because you're his daughter you dummy!

I think the argument I had with myself sucked up the last of the energy I had in me because not even a second later I was consumed by darkness.


I told myself I was going to leave tomorrow in the morning. And I also told myself I wasn't going to let anyone talk me out of it, I convinced myself and my mind was set. Nothing will change my mind! I told myself. That all went to garbage when I went downstairs to find something to drink.

As I walked to the kitchen I heard voices. Jaz and Thalia. I could hear them having a real conversation!

I don't know why but I was mad! I tried to have a conversation with her and she gave me was one word answers! 

Why am I getting mad?! Im going bloody crazy!

She's going to have a conversation with me! And she's going to bloody like it!

I heard the voices coming closer so I turned and left back to my room. Once I was there I could hear them still talking in her room, her room was in between mine and Jaz. God, you just have to love Nik..

They were talking for hours about random things. I concentrated more on what Thalia had to say because I already knew about what Jaz was saying. 

I soon grew tired and laid down on my bed, I began to question myself and the reason I was eavesdropping on their conversation, it all led me back to the reason I went to the kitchen. I was thirsty!

I walked out of my room and saw Jaz walking out of Thalias room. She turned around and looked up at me. She kept staring like if she was trying to figure out what to say until she finally said what she was thinking.

Im sorry.

What? I asked, truly confused.

Tonight, at dinner. What I said, It came out wrong.

So what did you really mean?

Its not your fault your parents and my parents took her away. When I said its the Mikealsons fault, I was talking about Dahlia and her curse she put on your family because of your mother....its none of your guys fault. Whatever mistakes your parents made, its not your fault, I is your family curse and it is your family's fault they had to take her away...Im sorry if you took it the wrong way.

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