Chapter 6

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Okay so basically this chapter is going to consist of flashbacks from the POV's of Kol, Jaz, and Thalia. These flashbacks are going to be them remembering all of the memories they lost. Elijah, Rebekah, and Klaus are also having flashbacks since they were linked to Kol and Jaz but their flashbacks are the same as Kol and Jaz so why bother putting their POV's....I HOPE YOU ENJOY!




I wake up to hear birds chirping, I turn to see Niklaus and Elijah were gone. I wake Rebekah up so she can walk with me to Jasmine's house...just so it won't look weird.

Rebekah...Rebekah wake up...Rebkah! I whisper in her ear a little loudly and soon she wakes up. What is it Kol? she says groggily. Wake up, its already morning. I say as i began to get up.

I thought you would be dead asleep after everything with Jasmine last night. I heard Rebekah say with a smirk on her face as she got up and began to walk pass me. How do you know? i say curiosity in my voice mixed with anger, how dare she bring that up. She doesn't know what she's talking about. Me and Jasmine just spent a little time longer together.

Oh please Kol, we could all tell. Especially with a huge smile you had on your face when you came home. I heard Rebekah say, her voice fading away as she slowly makes her way out the room.

We really didn't do anything, we did spend a longer time together. But all we did was swim, pick a few cherries,and kiss a little.

I walk out with Rebekah following closely behind. We start getting closer to her hut and call out to her, soon we see Jasmine come out. Hello..don't you think its a little early to be pestering me Mikealsons? Jasmine says with an adorable smirk on her face.

''''few hours later''''

STOP IT! AHAHA I SAID STOP KOL! Jasmine yelled at the top of her lungs as she wiggled around on the ground while I tickled her. Then stop stalling and say what you were going to say...stop saying "never mind!" each time you're about say it. I say with a huge smile on my face as I continue to tickle her.

OKAY...OKAY! she says and tries to shove my hands away from her waist. I stop tickling her and put my hands on the side of her head so I won't put my entire weight on her as I am on top of her.

We were talking and playing around for a few hours with my siblings until she pulled me away. She led me into the spot we had our first kiss and the first time we..did it together.....(😏)

We were talking here for a while until I asked her why she pulled me away and every time she would try and tell me she would lose track of what she was saying and start a whole new conversation so I threatened her that if she did that one more time I would tickle her...and here we are..

I hope its not something that serious, she is making nervous.

Well its just-I-i well you see its l-like...okay so I-I might be-well its not that I might be I'm sure, or-she starts off but i cut her off, Jasmine just say it..your'e starting to make me nervous and I'm starting to get irrita- she cuts me off by screaming IM HAVING YOUR CHILD! 

what? I look at her confused by what she has just said. Im having your child....she says again this time tears in her eyes. I get up and look down at her as she stands up. I look at her still trying to process what she had just said.

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