Chapter 14

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I couldn't hold it in any more. I was holding this is for a while and mixing it with alcohol didn't help.

I cried.

Something I've never done, other than a few tears spilling, but I was full on crying, sobbing.

She's leaving! Once she gets what she wants....she's going to leave....and she wants nothing to do with me...with us! I yelled out as I sobbed. This was it. Everything I've been feeling since the moment she arrived will be coming all out right now with Nik.

I sat back down and looked down with my hands on my face. Nik moved right next to me and put his hand on my back to comfort me.

No, brother, He sighed, you've got it all wrong sh-

Wrong?! She told me herself! She wants nothing to do with us. I cut him off knowing he was in the wrong. She told me herself, sure she didn't say it but I know sugar coated what she really meant to say, what she really felt. I continued my dramatic sobbing. Those drinks were hitting me pretty hard.

Kol. Please just list-

No. You should understand, you have Hope. You know the feeling you had when you held her for the first time? How warm she felt in your arms? How amazing she made you feel? How warm and fuzzy she made your heart feel? Thats how I felt! But even better..because......because I made her with the woman I love.  And she was right beside me as I stared into Thalia's beautiful eyes. I sobbed.

Klaus hugged me, And now she's going to leave, and Jaz! She's moved on...with Jack! I continued spilling my heart out to Nik and even said Jack's name with disgust. Just knowing he has had something with Jaz before and that he's back and trying to get with her again just added more to my anger and depression.

I kept crying and It seemed like these tears that were flowing would never stop.

You know, right before you arrived, Thalia came in looking for you...worried sick. She looked angry. She kept saying how Jack was wrong and how you only hit him for a reason and she kept defending her father.....You know that is the very first time I have ever heard her speak more than two words. She thinks you're innocent and would never hurt soul without any reason. Nik said the last part with amusement in his voice.

I looked up, my tears stopped flowing and my mind, that was once filled with anger and depression, was now filled with confusion. She really thinks I'm innocent? She really defended me?

Nik got up, You should look for her. She's waiting in your room. With that Nik was gone.

After a minute or two, I had finally gathered myself and readied myself for what was to come.


I walked closer and listened carefully. I could hear Kol crying. Crying.

I looked down after hearing how he felt about me leaving. I thought I was doing the right thing! He would look so uncomfortable with me and even agreed with me when I told him I was going to leave once I got what I was looking for!

But listening to him spill his heart out and look so weak and fragile right now made me feel really guilty! Had I really broken him?

I kept thinking and thinking until I heard Nik- Uncle Nik's voice, You should look for her. She's waiting in your room. Room? what room?..... KOL'S ROOM! OH.

Thinking Kol was going to go to his room right away, I hurried back to his room while I continued drinking this delicious drink sent down from heaven!

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