Chapter 14

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I cannot believe it they knew all this time they knew. Oh God! Here I thought I was doing great hiding it from everyone. I groan & then stop pacing around my building & then run in my apartment "How the hell you knew that I told Kyle he was gay?" I bombard at Brad.

I look from Brad to Kyle then it occurs to me. I drop down at the couch near Kyle & groan "from when did you two become best friends? You where suppose to be on my team"

Kyle pulls me to him "You were so upset sweetness when I left & then I saw Brad so we just sat & talked. I needed to know about the guy who hurt you." he confesses.

"OK but you could've asked me" I tell him. "Yes but I didn't wanted to upset you more by reminding you about it." I take a deep breathe & snuggle to him. "So, do Angie & Emma knows too?" I asks Brad but he shakes his head no which I'm grateful for & take a sigh of relief.

"But really when I think of it it's hilarious, I mean didn't it ever occur to you that the guy was gay? You dated him for a whole year & engaged for what 2 months" he asks I narrow my eyes at him "What do you mean? How am I supposed to know about his sexuality, it's not like he acted like one. He was as normal as any guy."

Brad just blinks his eyes & gulp down the whole bottle before getting up saying "I mean you had to like do the deeds you know so" he trails off I gasp at him "Brandon Matthews Thompson if you didn't get out of here in next 5secs you are a dead man!" I threaten him.

"What? I mean he had to have a preference you know to put his thing?" I have had enough I hold the lamp from the table but before I throw it Kyle holds me down "Let go of me he's not going out of here alive tonight" I shout but Kyle holds me tight "Relax baby! Calm down. Take deep breaths" he instructs. I do as he says & close my eyes.

As I open it I see Brad still standing in the door smirking "But still how often" he gets interrupted by Kyle "I know it's fun teasing her but I don't think I can hold her still for too long" with that warning Brad leaves laughing his ass out.

After he left I try to calm down engulfing myself in Kyle's body. He picks me up & walks to my room as he tucks me on the bed inside the blanket he too gets in. I wrap myself to him immediately & try to sleep as he hums me an unknown tune. As i was about to drift up he speaks "I'm actually curious myself about it" i groan & bury myself in the blanket before answering "We didn't."

He pulls the cover off my head before asking "What?" I look at him shyly "Daniel & I we never were intimate physically. Just kissing & holding hands. He wanted to wait till we got married & I was more than happy with it" I reply & by the look of his face he was more than happy as well surprised to know it.

He once again pulled me to him & starts humming the tune & before I knew it I was sound asleep.

Next morning I find Kyle gone but this time he left a note saying he will see me in the lunch. I cheer up & happily get ready for my work. As I reach my room Lily corners me "I heard you got the place for the party where are we going?" I smile at her excitement "I'll text you all about it later with details no shoo don't bother me" She pouts before leaving

After all the arrangements done I text the girls (Rachel, Angie, Emma, Kate, Jessica, Layla, Pam, Michele, Karla & Lucas) & soon enough I get their replies about they are on for tonight. After a while I get text from Kyle telling me he is coming to pick me up so I wait him in the parking lot.

He drives us to Brad's Club I stare at him curiously "What I was invited & going without a date now that is so un-cool" he says & help me get out of the car. I smile & kiss his cheeks. We enter the club where I can see lots of people. Brad comes to us "Hey Lovebirds! Welcome to Wild"

I hug him & pout how come I don't get an invitation & time of opening?" he pinches my nose "that's because I had to change the time of opening on last minute because of you. I mean who opens a night club in middle of the day but whatever the people like it so far" he smiles widely.

Kyle looks between us & ask "did I miss something?" I reply to him "Girls night out" he looks around for a while then to me. Oh please! Don't ruin it I chant. I keep smiling at him & he sighs shaking his head "I so don't want to imagine the things you'll be doing here" he says.

Brad pats Kyle's back "Don't worry you can come & join after all I'm the owner" he laughs. I warn them "Both of you aren't allowed it's just for girls" Brad argues "But Lucas is in" I sigh "He swings our way." They both look at each other for a while & then nod like they are communicating mentally.

Kyle drops me to the office & as I turn to get out he holds me back "How's the engagement coming up?" I smile & reply "All done the only thing remaining id for you guys to attend. I hope it's up to your taste I'm super nervous & excited at the same time." he nods before kissing my nose "Don't worry much it'll be perfect & thanks for inviting Kate with you guys tonight."

I peck him back but he holds my neck & kisses me passionately. I moan as his tongue slips in after few minutes he let go of me touching my swollen lips. He closes his eye & take deep breathe before commanding me "Go" i kiss his jaw which has a hard line & get out of the car.

At 8pm I meet girls at the front of wild, we all get in. Brad greets us at the door, he tries to talk with Emma but she ignores her. Angie rushes to him & hugs him "Why haven't you come to visit us Alex misses you a lot!" she asks he smiles "I missed you too" she hits his arm "liar! Anyway this place looks cool. I love the whole karaoke theme thanks for letting us to do this." she walks to meet other girls.

I walk to Emma seeing her sitting alone "You need to sort this out sooner or later don't keep hanging both of you. You rather move on with or without him." I say before dragging brad out "Now everything is set you are no longer needed." he looks offended, "Hey now it's my club I got a right to be here" I roll my eyes at him "Just do it Brad don't make it too hard"

Emma interrupts us as he tries to say something. She asks to talk with him alone & I leave them to join the girls. Emma walks in after a while & we all look at her curiously "You OK?" Angie asks her & she nods "We decided to meet again & clear things up."

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