Chapter 02

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After I reach my apartment I take a shower then order a pizza while checking and replying to my emails. As I close my laptop my phone rings.

The next thing I know I'm rushing to the hospital and there lies in all his glory Brad for all I care.

I wish I had strangle him last night so he wouldn't have been stupid enough to get drunk and drive, ending up dragging me here to give my night a perfect ending.

I go check him to see the damage he made to himself. He got a fractured leg and has to plaster it for at least a week.

Great! I'm playing nurse now. Without exchanging my thought I take Brad home with me. After he is set on his beloved couch I walk to my bed. Nothing I say will make this situation better so I better have some rest.

Waking up with the sound of someone crashing my things early in the morning isn't something I asked for. But still it happens, trying to clear the fog of sleep I get up then realize who it is.

Brad shit!

I run to my living room where I see the damage Brad must have hit the table and dropped the vase. Taking a breath that he didn't hurt himself or destroyed my apartment completely I greet him.

"Good morning to you too"

He looks at my way smiling sheepishly. Good so he knows he is on wrong.

"Sorry I just..."

"Leave it, I will clean it later want some coffee?" I ask but he refuses

"Well, I need one before I start screaming at you anyway" I make myself a cup before asking

"So mind telling me why you got plaster even when I asked you not to get drunk?"

"At least I did not come home drunk" he grumbles.

"Ha-Ha. Great job, if you want to die go ahead but don't do it on my expense" I snap at him gaining a glare from him.

"You can be so cruel sometimes no wonder you are still single"

I just simply roll my eyes. Wow, what a come back line.

"If there are guys like you out their then I'm glad I'm single"

Just like that, here we go again to our staring competition. After a few more seconds we both groan while I go to my room he goes to the bathroom.

It's way too early to do this with him. And I don't want to have a bad mood before I can finish the day.

My clients are already there when I reach my office. I look at my watch and yep gosh this people do they have to be so early for the appointment and it's my company still I always come after them. This looks so unprofessional for me.

"Good morning"

I greet them as they enter my office we go to all the last minute arrangements for their wedding before saying our goodbye.

After a long day to making arrangements and stuff all I want is to take a long hot shower, a healthy food and my precious bed. As I enter my home I see Brad in front of the T.V watching some football game.

"Hey how was your day?" he asks so I wave my hand and drop next to him.

"My clients are happy and so am I" I reply.

"So, how was your day and leg?" I ask

"I checked some apartments online but no progress" he shrugs.

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