Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

Harry landed on the ground, making sure to fall on his feet.

Ron, however, had landed face flat on the floor. "I'm beginning to get over this broom," he growled.

Harry ignored him. "Let's just find the nearest bus station to get home."

Ron picked himself up off the floor and brushed the dirt off his pants.

"Yeah because bringing in two broomsticks onto a muggle bus won't be suspicious at all," he mumbled.

"Well we could take the night bus," Harry pointed out.

Ron turned a greenish color. "Muggle bus it is."

They walked, dragging their brooms behind them, looking for a bus stop. 

How far had they gone? Harry thought. It seemed like the more they walked the more deserted this place seemed.

"Mate, I hate to break it to you but I believe that we are in the middle of nowhere," Ron stated flatly.

Harry kept going. There was no way that they were in the middle of nowhere. There had to be something. 

"No. There must be a bus, train, something," Harry said, determined.

They walked for what seemed like half an hour or more when suddenly Harry saw something in the distance. He took off towards it.

"Hey! Whoa Harry hold on," Ron yelled, startled. Harry heard the found of his loud feet running after him. 

As Harry got closer he could make out the figure. It was a black car. 

Harry stopped suddenly right in front of it. 

Ron fell into pace right beside him. 

"Is someone in there?" he asked uncertianly. 

Harry shook his head. "I don't know. Let's find out." 

"Wait maybe we should-" Ron stammered but Harry was not listening.

He walked closer to the car and tried to peer through the windows. The only problem was that they were pitch black and Harry couldn't make anything out inside. 

Ron sighed and joined him. He hit on teh window once and when it wouldn't budge he tried to break through the windows. 

"They...won't budge," he said, now out of breath.

Harry took out his wand and pointed it at the window.


The spell hit the window and bounced off, barley giving Harry enough time to duck down.

"The windows are magic proof," he stated as if that weren't obvious.

"Okay, now I really want to know what's in there," Ron stated. He stared at the window and in a feeble attempt pushed on it, fully aware that nothing was going to happen.  

"Me too," Harry said. He suddenly got an idea. It wasn't a very smart one, but he was curious and  out of options at this point. He grabbed his broom and climbed on top of the car.

"What are you doing?" came Ron's voice. He grabbed the hem of Harry's shirt as he lifted himself up onto the car. "Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

 "I have to try something," Harry told him, yanking his shirt off of his hand. "Whatever's in there, someone doesn't want anyone to see," Harry added.  

Ron suddenly seemed nervous. "I don't know, Harry. If someone doesn't want that to be seen then maybe we shouldn't be going alone. Let's just call the ministry."

"You said it yourself, you're curious. If we let the ministry take action they'll take the car away and we won't be able to see it until they've got all the evidence out. It has to be us, Ron. Plus breaking into a muggle car is child's play compared to the things we've done in the past," harry reminded him. 

"I dunno.." Ron said hesitantly. 

Harry ignored him. He took the end of his broom and with a great force smashed it into the roof of the car. Surprisingly it left a hole right where the broom entered. Harry kept punching the roof with more holes, over and over.

"Ron give me a hand with this," Harry said.

Ron climbed up onto the hood and joined Harry in making the holes. 

"I still don't like this Harry," Ron said hesitantly. 

"Oh simmer down and make some holes, would ya?" 

After quite a while later they had finally made a hole big enough for them to enter. Harry quickly threw down his broom down and jumped inside the car.

He fell into teh back seat of the car and held his head as he lifted himself up from the side and he righted himself. He looked around him and gasped, falling back onto the seat.

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