Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Hermione shot up from her seat and speed alongside the retreating nurse. Harry tried to keep up with them but found himself lagging behind as their figures grew smaller in the distance. 

Panting, Harry called out to them, "Yeah...just go on without me. I'll...I'll catch up!"

As the stitch grew in Harry's side he thought to himself, Blimey I need to get back on the Quidditch pitch.

In their haste, Harry and Hermione had left Ginny sleeping in the waiting room. Harry contemplated going back and waking her up but decided that she should rest. Now that they knew Ron was awake, their worries could subside a bit. 

Harry caught up to the nurse and Hermione at a room that read "3B" on the outside in gold lettering. 

Hermione was practically jumping over the nurse to get it. 

Finally, the nurse pulled open the door and Harry and Hermione both rushed in, leaving the poor nurse standing frozen at the doorway. 

"Ron!" Hermione gasped seeing his familiar body laying on the bed. 

 Ron lay motionless on the hospital bed. His eyes closed, a heart monitor humming softly next to him. He had a bruise on his left cheek the size of a snitch and there were clear tubes sticking though both his arms. He looked almost as if he were in a peaceful rest, if one decided to ignore the tubes and beating heart monitor.   

Hermione rushed to Ron's side and grabbed his hand. A new set of tears flowed down her cheeks. 

Harry had to admit that this was not what he expected. He had expected to see Ron upright and complaining about the food or convincing the doctors to let him out. But instead he was greeted by quite a different, less hopeful scene.

"You must be Mr. Weasley's friends," a man with a white beard and a doctor's uniform approached them. 

The doctor held out his hand, "I'm Dr. White. I was the doctor in charge of Ron's examinations." 

Harry shook the doctor's had wanting to just move on to how Ron was doing. 

"Harry," he responded. Sensing Hermione was not tuned into the conversation at the moment, Harry added, "And that's Hermione." 

"Pleasure," Dr. White walked closer to Ron's bed and  considered him, "Your friend here has been hit by quite a spell. I've never seen one like it."

That was definitely not what Harry wanted to hear. 

He wanted to know that Ron was alright. That he was going to make a full recovery. That Ron was strong and the spell barely did anything to him. 

Harry did not want to hear that the doctor's could not figure out what had happened to make Ron this way. 

"Do you have any idea what spell caused this?" Harry asked.

Dr. White shook his head. "I'm afraid not. We are trying our best to figure it out but we've never seen such a reaction like this before," his eyes were sad. 

Harry felt his heart drop. 

"But, he will be okay, right?" Harry's voice was small, clinging to the last bits of hope left inside him.  

Dr. White shifted uncomfortably. He looked as if this was not the type of news he prefered to giev out.  

"It is hard to tell right now," Dr. White admitted after a moment. "We have to wait until he is awake to know for sure."

Harry thought he was going to cry. Just when he thought no one else could be taken from him, the most important person in his life is put in danger. 

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