Chapter 16 ~ A disturbance

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The wind breezed through the car creating a humming sound which emitted louder as the car moved faster

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The wind breezed through the car creating a humming sound which emitted louder as the car moved faster. A silence filled the humming car as mine and James thoughts occupied us. The sun just peeking over the horizon, causing a morning glow to spread across the beautiful land.

James pack wasn't like a city, more like a little village as most of the area within the pack lands was either forest or green land.

Entering the place was already breathtaking. You wouldn't have guessed at first thought that this was the home to the warrior pack, maybe the nature pack, (they are basically hippies.). The pack lands are just beautiful, such a sight to behold.

As we got nearer the centre of the pack lands, houses started to emerge. The warrior pack essence coming into full swing.

Then after about 10 minutes of driving past houses a huge castle appeared. I wasn't that impressed as I lived in a castle similar but I guess most people would have gushed at the sight.

We pulled up outside the castle, James opening the car door for me with his lightning speed.

"Welcome to my home." James stated.

I looked at him and then looked at the property, "it's a sight to behold, isn't it?" He said from behind me.

"I've seen better." I honestly stated turning around to see his shocked face.

"Really?!" He said utterly gobsmacked.

"Duh! I live in a way better one." I said.

"But still." James said.

"It looks rustic I will give you that." I said, as I turned around not waiting for a reply and walked nearer the castle.

The doors opened to reveal a very posh looking interior, which was completely opposite to the exterior, "now is this a sight to behold?" He whispered in my ear.

"I've seen better." I reassured him again.

He sighed and turned around to face me, "you really are hard to impress." He sighed again.

"Yep." I said back, popping the 'p'.

We walked further into the castle, James leading the way. We made it to what seemed like the living room, yet we already passed about 5 so I am not sure.

An elderly looking man was sat near the fireplace next to a middle aged man. They both looked at me and James as we entered.

"I hope we didn't intrude, father-" he bowed then looked at the elderly man, "grandfather." He bowed to his grandfather.

"Of course not son." The father said getting to his feet and walking over towards us, as did James grandfather.

"Who's this?" The grandfather pointed to me in his croaky worn down voice.

"This is Kalani , future alpha of the blue moon pack." James stated.

"Wow, in my day a female would never be able to rule, I guess times really are changing." The grandfather said in a surprised tone.

The father nudged the grandfather before looking back at us, "don't worry about the old man. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Kalani." The father said bowing.

I nodded my head as a response.

James then decided to speak, "well, what were you talking about?"

"Nothing important son." James father exclaimed.

"Okay." James said in a warily tone.

"Well we best be on our way." The father said in a hurry before rushing out the door with the grandfather following behind.

"Sorry about them." James said facing me.

"No worries, they seem lovely." I said smiling at him.

We then sat down in front of the fire place and started to just chat about everything and anything, "so Kalani, what's your favourite colour?" James questioned.

"Is it not obvious-" I stared at him but he had a confused expression on his face, "blue!" I said in a 'duh' tone, making his face contort into a face of realisation.

"So James, what's your favourite colour?" I questioned.

"It would have to be black." He said with a concentrated look.

"Why black?" I asked.

"I dont know, I guess cause it fits with my whole bad boy look and I guess with the pack to a degree." He said.

I nodded in response.

We sat there in a comfortable silence , staring at the fire which spat and spluttered from time to time. The fire felt intriguing, as it seemed so free and untamed- something I could only wish to have. One day I will be free, one day.

I was pulled out of thought by a loud howl, followed by a maid rushing into where me and James were.

"What's going on?" James asked concerned.

"There's-" the maid said taking yet another deep breath from her running, "there's an intruder!" She said whilst using her legs as a rest for her hands.

Then thoughts started to occur. Was it a rogue? No, they would have known by the stench. What did the intruder look like? Was the person in human or wolf form?

I was brought out of my thought by a huge bang, which emitted from the front door.

I sat still, not knowing what to do. James sat in front of me, like he was protecting me; but that would be silly as we've practically just met.

The aurora of the room shifted into a scared one.

I looked around to see if the maid was still here, my head only turning slightly as I was still petrified.

I looked over to my right to see the poor maid shivering and crying in a corner, fear dripping from her face. She turned to look at me and I felt sorry for her, I could feel her fear and I'm sure whoever this person was could feel the vibe coming off of her as well. She was so vulnerable and innocent, and I felt for her - I could feel every bit of emotion dropping from her like water dripping from a faucet (except hers was in pools of water!).

I looked at the entrance to the room, anticipating who the person was, and why the person was causing this much trouble.

Then a figure appeared in the doorway, the outline looking of a bulky structure. The figure looked very intimidating which frightened the poor maid even more.

All of a sudden this new found courage ran through me, causing me to stand and talk to the disturbing figure, "show yourself!" I demanded in a true alpha tone.

And the figure stepped onto the light.

And the figure stepped onto the light

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