Oh, college life, how you beguile me

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The parents left, and we all got situated. Shawn was doing better since Dad changed his medication, so we had no more incidents. We also got our schedules for school. I was looking through my program, waiting for the others, when I noticed a pair of women's shoes. I didn't have to look up to know who it was. Now, what did she want?

"Liam," Mel greeted me.

"Mel," I answered, not bothering to look at Mel.

"What are you doing?" Mel asked me curiously.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I questioned, not elaborating.

"It looks like you're looking at your schedule," she said with a slight giggle.

"Give the girl a cookie," I said, my tone oozing with sarcasm.

"Someone sure is moody," Mel remarked as she snatched the schedule from my hands. What the fuck?

"Mm-mm," she hummed as she looked through my schedule then handed it back to me. "It looks like we have two classes together."

Well, that's great. That's what I needed, stuck in a class with a crazy chick. Why me?

Matt and Scarlett walked up as Mel introduced herself to them. They talked for a few minutes, then she turned and strolled off.

"Who is that?" Matt asked.

"I see you two met Liam's future squeeze," Austin commented as he walked up with Gina.

"Mel's not my future squeeze. She's a pain in the ass that stalks me," I retorted, rolling my eyes.

"Stalks, lurks, whatever. The point is, that's the girl who thought Liam and RJ were a couple," Austin mentioned, grinning as RJ walked up and smacked him upside of the head. "Damn, dude," Austin grumbled, rubbing the back of his head.

"Stop running your pie hole," RJ told Austin. "Ignore this idiot. He doesn't know what he's saying."

"I guess so," Matt said.

"Are you guys ready?" Scarlett asked us.

"Yeah, I'm ready for food," I said with a shrug.

"When aren't you ready for food?" RJ asked me.

"Yeah, true," I agreed, grinning, and the six of us left.

At some point, all of us would meet up, but it would be in shifts with our schedules. Ah, college life, how you deceive me.

The first week of school seems okay. It's way different from high school. Classes were longer, and we didn't have to go the entire day, or some had late courses than others. I saw mostly RJ, Nik, Matt, Austin, and Scarlett because they had classes around the same time as me. The other's schedules varied with the school.

I think the only time I saw anyone other than that was when I was eating, which was all the time or when we pass each other in the hallway going to our rooms.

The only issue I had is the crazy nut that I got stuck within the class. Mel would be pretty if she weren't so damn annoying. One day, as I was sitting in class in my usual spot and missing the pain, the ass was sitting two rows back. Things were beautiful until I heard a psst, psst sound behind me. Christ on a bike, if you have to use a bathroom, there are plenty of them. There's no need to make the sound.

When that didn't work, I felt something hit the back of my head. I reached around to find a piece of paper crumpled up into a ball. Then another one, followed by more of them. What the actual fuck? Why do I have a feeling I know who this is? Oh, that's right, because I do.

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