Well, damn, I wasn't expecting that

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Great, now we have Hunter as our den mother because our parents can't trust us enough to be on our own. It's not like we don't have enough adults running around this god-forsaken place as it is. Now we have a damn babysitter on top of it.

I had to clean up the bowl of crunchy goodness I dropped when they told us Hunter was going to be around to monitor us. Like I said, babysitter. After I finished cleaning up my mess, I talked to Dad about this situation.

"It's already decided, Liam," Dad said.

"Aw, come on, Dad. We're adults. Why do we need a damn babysitter?" I snapped, feeling annoyed.

"Maybe because we can't trust you not to destroy things," Dad said to me with a glare.

"Well, this is fucking great!" I shouted.

"Well, get used to it because Hunter isn't going anywhere," Dad shrugged.

"This is such bullshit," I yelled as I stomped up the stairs and slammed my door shut.

Ryan walked in with Frazier. "I take it Liam isn't happy about the living arrangements?" Ryan asked.

"Eh, he'll get over it," Dad said.

"Did they honestly think we would give them a key to Mason's place and say be free little birdies?" Frazier asked, making a fluttering sound with his mouth and flapping his hands.

"Apparently," Dad said.

"All I can say is good luck to Hunter. He needs it," Frazier grinned.

"Luck has nothing to do with it," Hunter said, walking up to them. "They'll either get in line, or they'll have hard labor. It pisses Mason off if something happens to his house while they're here. I still can't believe he even agreed to this."

"Well, he did after I talked to Luci first," Ryan smirked.

"That was low, Ryan," Hunter said.

"Yeah, maybe, but at least we know they're in expert hands. The last thing I need to worry about is our kids getting hurt while making sure Alex is safe," Ryan said.

"Is Alex still worried there is a threat out there?" Dad asked.

"Yeah, her anxiety has been through the roof, and with RJ gone now, she feels unsettled," Ryan said, running his hand through his hair.

"Well, she still has us close if something happens," Frazier said.

"I know, but it's not the same. Alex constantly worries about the kids. You know what we went through with the twins. Then she had a hard time during her pregnancy with RJ. It almost killed her to carry him to term," Ryan said to Frazier. "If something ever happened to her, I don't know what I would do."

"We know Ryan, but she's fine, and she's here," Dad said.

Ryan felt someone slide their arm around his waist, and he looked down as Alex smiles up at him. He wrapped an arm around her and kissed the top of her head.

Marissa and Mom walked in afterward. Mom looked at Dad and asked, "I take it Liam isn't happy?"

"Nope, but it doesn't matter. Their safety comes first," Dad told Mom.

"Well, you better talk to Shawn," Mom mentioned.

"What's wrong with Shawn?" Dad asked.

"He's freaking out a bit," Mom answered.

"Did you talk to him?" Dad asked Mom.

"Shawn won't listen to me; you know that," Mom said, then they heard a crash. JJ and Elijah came running into the kitchen.

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