Winter Formal and other chaos

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Winter formal was upon us, and I couldn't wait to pick up Mel. I told the others I would meet them once I picked her up. I was prompt arriving at her dorm, and she came down, looking breathtaking. I couldn't wait to dance with her, but something nagged at me was going to be one hell of a formal for all of us.

I looked at her and said, "You look stunning. Shall we?"

"We shall," she smiled, taking my arm. With that, we were off. We met up with the others when we arrived. I led her out to the dance floor, pulling her close to me and we danced.

Things were going well, but I still had that nagging in the pit of my stomach. She looked at me. "Is everything okay?" Mel asked me.

"What? Oh, yeah. I was thinking how great you look tonight," I answered, ignoring her question.

"You look very handsome yourself." She smiled. I leaned in and kissed her.

Soon we stopped dancing, and she went to the ladies' room while I hit the buffet table. I waited for Mel, but she seems to take a while.

"Where's Mel?" RJ asked.

"Not sure. Mel went to the junior girl's room. That was over twenty minutes ago," I mentioned.

Scarlett came walking by us.

"Red, have you seen Mel?" I asked Scarlett.

"No, I came back from the bathroom. Why?" Scarlett asked.

"Was Mel in there when you were in there?" I questioned.

"Not that I know of," Scarlett mentioned.

"Oh, look its noodle dick, and I see you're dateless once more," Cassie said snidely.

"I'm not dateless, and I don't have time for your shit. Do us all a favor and go suck a dick," I said, walking past her.

"Shame that your little girlfriend is having such troubles," Cassie snapped.

I walked up to Cassie. "What did you do, you fucking bitch?" I asked, not liking where this conversation headed.

"Let's just say, maybe you and your family will learn not to mess me," Cassie smirked.

I looked at RJ, and he signals for Nik and Drew. We took off. Scarlett looked at Cassie. "You just made an enormous mistake. Huge."

"You don't scare me," Cassie retorted.

"Maybe I don't, but they will," Scarlett said, pointing to Cassie's others.

I ran out of the place with the others and looked around; then I saw Mel. She was strolling towards me. She was dirty, her hair messy, her clothes torn, and her makeup smeared. She was bleeding.

"Liam?" Mel asked, confused.

"Mel," I replied.

"What happened?" Mel asked, not looking at me.

"Dude, she's in shock," Drew whispered to RJ.

"Liam, I lost my shoe. I had it, but I lost it somewhere. I think it's over there. I need to find it," Mel rambled.

I nodded to Nik, who said, "Mel, I'll go find your shoe. Go with Liam."

She nodded, and I gently placed my hands on her arms, "Mel, I'll give you my coat. Okay?"

She nodded as I removed my suit coat and gently put it on her. Nik returned with her shoe and handed it to her. "Mel, I found your shoe."

"Oh, good. It would upset my aunt if I lost my shoes," she said worriedly.

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