Life after death

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It's been two weeks after the funeral, and dad was still grieving. We would call home to talk to mom and him as much as we could. It helped to a point. Ryan and Frazier also enabled him to cope with the loss of his brother.

That also brought up memories of what happened to Nik after they killed Mike. Leo spent a lot of time helping Nik deal with the memories. It wasn't as bad as the first go-around, but death changes people, and all we could hope for is that one day it hurts a little less.

As for the idiots we dealt with on spring break, they disappeared shortly after our run-in. Fanfuckingtastic. I had a feeling this wouldn't be the last time we would see them.

With everything we had been dealing with, there was something more pressing on the horizon in the form of a slight issue with Junior and Hope.

All of us were in our rooms. We heard a lot of yelling in the form of Junior and Hope. What is wrong with those two idiots now? We all came out of our rooms and saw Junior slam out of his room and walk past us.

"What the fuck just happened?" Drew asked.

"Beat me. With Junior, it could be anything," Elijah said.

"Shouldn't someone check on the old man," I asked them, and they looked at me like I had two heads. "Oh, let me since you all are standing around like the dipshits you are."

I left my room while Mel went to check on Hope. Drew, along with Elijah, followed me as we went to find Junior. What the hell did the idiot do this time?

We found Junior sitting on a bench.

"Is there a reason you're sitting out here by yourself?" Elijah asked.

"I needed to think," Junior said.

"Sounds like a lot of work," Drew added.

"Listen, if you idiots are here to bust my balls, don't," he said in a huff.

"Well, it's hard to bust something that one is lacking," I added.

"Of all the people that had to go looking for me, I get the three stooges," he said.

"Okay fine. Lay it on us," Drew said, taking a seat next to Junior.

"Hope's pregnant," Junior replied.

"What the fuck?" Elijah said. The three of us looked at him as he shrugged.

"She just found out," Junior said, not looking at us.

"If Hope just found out, why are you out here and not with her?" I asked.

"Because she accused me of not wanting the baby," Junior answered.

"And why would she do that?" Drew asked.

"Because I didn't take the news well," he said.

"And there we have it. So, you knock up my cousin and then just walk out on her. Smart move," Drew said.

"I don't need a lecture. I know I fucked up," Junior said to us.

"Then take your happy ass back and get brave, dumbass," I said to him, and the three of them looked at me. "Look, it's bound to happen. I figured Elijah would be the first to fuck up and get poor mousy Davina pregnant, but he didn't."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, brother," Elijah said.

"Any time," I smirked.

"I hate to admit it, but yahoo here is right. You need to get your shit together since your going to be a daddy," Drew said.

"Fine," Junior said, standing up. "The next time I have a problem, do me a favor and send someone else other than you three idiots."

"No promises there," Elijah said.

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