Things aren't always what they seem

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We walked in, and Hope came downstairs with a worried look on her face.

"What's wrong, Hope?" Drew asked.

"It's Mel. Guys, she's sick. We got her cleaned up, but she doesn't look good," Hope said as we all ran up the stairs to Liz's room.

Drew walked over and checked out Mel. "Matt, get my dad."

Matt left and a few minutes later returned with Hunter, who checked out Mel. Then he picked her up and carried her out of the room. He placed her into a car and climbed into the driver's side. We all got into the other cars and followed him.

We ended up at the hospital, and he carried her into the emergency room where the doctors led them to the back. Then we waited. After a while, Hunter emerged.

"How is Mel, Dad?" Drew asked.

"They're pumping Mel's stomach and giving her something now and then running a tox screen on her. What happened?" Hunter asked us.

"We don't know, she showed up at the house drunk and half-naked, ranting at us. Something about going for drinks with Gage," Drew said.

"Then she puked on me and passed out," I added.

"Okay, I'll let the doctors know. Stay here," Hunter said, going into the back.

We all waited around the hospital waiting room to hear word on Mel's condition. Yes, she was a royal pain in the ass, but no one deserves this. After hours of waiting, Hunter finally emerged with all of us bombarding him with questions until he finally said, "Okay! Now, Mel's asleep in a room. No one can see her until tomorrow. She's had a very rough night."

"What happened to her?" I asked.

"They think someone drugged her since she exhibited all signs. They won't know more until she wakes up, which might be a day or so. They also have to make sure there wasn't any permanent damage," Hunter said.

"What kind of damage?" Drew asked.

"Brain damage. If she survives this with no long-term effects, she's lucky. Does anyone know how I can reach her family?" Hunter asked us.

We all shook our heads no.

"Great, this makes my job harder tracking them down. Well, head home. There's nothing you can do until tomorrow," Hunter advised us.

We all went back to the house while Hunter stayed with Mel trying to locate her parents. We went back to the house, and I went to my room. As much as this girl annoyed me, to see what happened to her tonight and how far someone takes it, burned me to no end. Gage would pay for this, but I need answers, and tomorrow I would get those answers.

After class, I went to the hospital, since Nik didn't have any classes he went with me. They directed us to Mel's room and walked in to find her still sleeping. We walked over to her bed as she laid there.

"What kind of monster does this to someone?" Asked Nik.

"The same kind that has no soul," I said, looking at Mel.

We pulled up two chairs and sat down, facing her bed.

"Why don't you admit it?" Nik asked me.

"Admit what?" I asked, looking at Mel.

"That you like this girl," Nik answered.

"I dislike her. She's annoying, a pain in the ass, and stalkerish," I remarked.

"And you're here, why?" Nik questioned.

"Just out of concern," I shrugged.

"Come on, Liam, you can deny it all you want, but deep down, you like Mel," Nik told me.

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