Are you freaking kidding me?

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My eyes fluttered open, and I looked around to see Mel with her head on my bed, sleeping and drooling - ew. Dad passed out in a chair. Okay, when did he get here, and why? Shawn and JJ were sleeping in the corner using each other as a pillow. If they wanted to cuddle together, they could do that somewhere else. No one needs to see them spooning each other. Then there as Elijah snoring away in another chair, and here I thought that I got away from the dying bear.

Then I noticed the room and flipped the fuck out. "Are you freaking kidding me?"

My outburst startled them awake, making them fall out of their chairs.

I said to Mel, "Thanks for the bath, drools." I picked my hand up, wiping it off. They all gathered around my bed.

"Please tell me you won't start bawling because if you do, I need my camera so I can video it and send it to Frazier," I snapped at them.

"No, that won't be necessary," they said.

"How long have you been awake?" Dad asked.

"Long enough to see the cuddle brothers over there, dying bear over here, and drools right there all passed out," I snapped.

"I'll go get a doctor," Dad said, leaving the room.

"Now someone wants to tell me why I'm in a dress and a bed not my own," I said with a glare. Yeah, I wasn't happy.

"Drew re-broke your three ribs," Elijah answered.

Oh, this gets better and better. Note to self, put a spicy sauce in all of Drew's underwear when I get back.

"Then, a doctor came to the house to help you but gave you a horse tranquilizer, and here we are," JJ added.

I looked at them as I sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed. I didn't care if I had three broken ribs, someone was getting their ass beat. I got out of bed and started walking towards them. "Do I look like a motherfucking horse?" I growled.

"Well, no," said Elijah as I backed the three of them up towards the wall.

"Then who in their fucking right mind would give me something like that?" I roared. Oh, did I forget to tell you that I have dad's temper? Yeah, that might have slipped my mind.

"Liam," Mel yelled, trying to restrain me.

"Mel, I ask you nicely not to touch me. I don't want to hurt you," I said, glancing at her. She quickly let go of me. Then my fist went flying at someone's head. Yep, I hit Elijah, knocking him onto the floor.

Then I swung again only to have Dad stop me. "Liam. Enough."

I looked at Dad, and he gave me a look that I'll knock you the fuck out if you're injured or not. I dropped my fist.

"Damn," Shawn said to JJ as they both looked at Elijah holding his eye.

Dad helped Elijah up and checked his eye out. "What did I say when Liam's anger flairs?"

"Yeah, I know, duck," Elijah sighed. "At least he didn't knock me out like JJ did that one time."

"Yeah, it pissed your mom off when she found out," Dad said to Elijah.

"Do I even want to know what Elijah did for you to knock him out?" Shawn asked JJ.

"Elijah got in the middle of a fight between Liam and me. I was trying to hit Liam, and he ducked. Elijah got hit. Mom was mega pissed when she found out," JJ explained.

"How old were you guys?" Shawn asked.

"We were ten, and Elijah was fourteen," JJ said.

"Hell, when I was ten, my sperm donor knocked me around for not taking on a kid bigger than me," Shawn said. We all looked at Shawn, and he shrugged. "You know because I was ten and should be a man along with all that bullshit."

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