There you are! Here I am!

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As the hours crept on, I sat there enjoying my tenth cup of coffee. I didn't mind it. There wasn't anybody here since most of the party people had already left to sleep off their drunken frenzy night.

The staff left me alone, so I sat there alone, sipping my hot coffee. I ate while I was there, like now. There's always time for food.

As I sat there enjoying my food, someone walked up and stood there. Oh dear god, please don't let it be someone to ruin my perfectly good night. I looked up to see Mel standing there.

"There you are," she exclaimed.

"Here I am," I said as I took a bite of food.

She crawled into the booth opposite me.

"Liam, what are you doing?" Mel questioned.

I looked at her. "Well, I enjoyed this delicious meal until someone interrupted my quiet night, captain obvious."

She gave me a look, and I gave one back, chewing my food.

"Your family worries about you," Mel informed me.

"Oh?" I questioned.

"Yes," she replied.

"Is that before or after Andy strings me up on a flagpole?" I questioned, knowing that's what happens when I return.

"Liam, he's upset. You put the spicy sauce in all his underwear," Mel reasoned.

"And he broke three of my ribs, so we're even," I declared.

"That was an accident, and you know it!" Mel exclaimed.

"Psh, accident my ass. We've been going at it for as long as I can remember. He didn't need to hit me that hard and on top of it, I had some crazy psycho doctor trying to kill me. So, yeah, I have a right to be a little mad," I said, shooting her a glare as I stabbed my food.

"Liam," Mel said.

"Mel, just go. Tell the others that I'm fine. I know they sent you," I told Mel. I wasn't in the mood for games, especially involving Andy Pandy.

"Liam," she said, pleading my name.

"Go, Mel," I said. I'm not stupid. I know my family sent her because they knew I wouldn't throw her through a window. That was a low blow and pretty dirty of them to do so.

I eventually left the diner, trying to find a place to hang out. Unfortunately, there aren't many places open at three in the morning. I finally knocked on someone's door.

"Liam?" Aunt Kate asked with confusion.

"Hey, Aunt Kate. I'm sorry to bother you so late, but would you mind if I came in and got warm for a bit?" I asked her.

"Oh, honey, sure. Come in," Kate said, stepping aside as I walked into her place. She closed the door, and I walked in, then sat down on the couch.

"Liam, when is the last time you slept?" Kate asked me with concern.

"Last night," I answered, rubbing my hands together and blowing on them.

"Why don't I get you a pillow and a blanket and get some sleep?" Kate offered. A few minutes later, she returned with both. I placed the pillow behind my head, and she covered me up with the blanket. Within minutes, I was out.

She left the room and made a call. "Hunter? It's from Kate. Liam is here. No, there's no need to come to get him, he's asleep. What happened? I see. We'll talk more tomorrow. Goodnight." As soon as she hung up, she made another call. "Jordan? It's from Kate. He's here and sleeping. No, there is no need for you to come. I'll take care of it tomorrow. Just know your boy is safe. Goodnight."

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