That changes everything

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We filled the others in after dinner about what had transpired at the cemetery. It shocked them.

"That's fucked up," Drew said.

"Tell me about it," Nik said.

"How do you feel about all of this?" Matt asked.

"Honestly, nothing. Weirdly, I grieved for the longest time, that's the only thing I felt. Now I feel nothing," Nik said.

"Maybe Liam was right. Maybe you didn't love Mike," JJ said.

"I'm always right," I said calmly.

"Yeah, yeah, you're always right. We get it," Drew shot back.

"Hey Drew, I have some spicy sauce left for you," I said.

"Yeah, and I have a flagpole with your name on it," Drew retorted.

Everyone laughed as we traded barbs. I would miss Andy Panda, but don't tell him that.

Someone walked up to where Mike held. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. You had one job to do."

"I know I fucked up," Mike said.

"I told you to drop the bracelet and stay hidden. Between you and those idiot boys, I can't get anything accomplished," the person said.

"What now?" Mike asked.

"Now, I put my last part of the plan in motion." The person leaned into the bars. "Now, I will let you out, but this time you stay hidden or kill you myself."

"I understand," Mike replied.

"Now be an obedient boy, and fucking listen the next time," the person barked, causing Mike to jump. Then they opened the cell, and Mike walked out.

Mike walked ahead as he said, "I'm sorry. I promise it will never happen again."

"You're right. It won't," the person said as they took a gun using a silencer and shot him in the back of the head. He dropped quickly, and they walked over to his body. "If you want something done right, you may as well do it yourself."

With that, the person walked away, leaving Mike to bleed out on the floor where he laid.

A little while later, Hunter came to check on Mike to find his body. He picked up the phone, "Ryan? We have a situation. Bring the boys."

Thirty minutes later, Ryan, Dad, and Frazier showed up to the sight in front of them. Ryan crouched, then looked up at Hunter. "How the fuck did he get out?"

"I don't know. When I last checked, we locked and secured Mike an hour ago," Hunter said.

Ryan looked at the guys as Dad said, "So in an hour time, someone came in, let him out and shot him. Sound about, right?"

"Pretty much," Frazier said.

"The question is, who got in? We lock this place up tighter than Fort Knox," Dad said.

Ryan stood up. "Someone leveled the playing field."

"Well, this changes everything," Frazier said.

"Hunter, call the boys," Ryan said.

Hunter nodded and made a call while Dad said, "You know they won't be happy."

"I know, but we don't have a choice. We have trained the older kids for this where the younger ones haven't been," Ryan said.

"Yeah, our wives will kill us when they find out what we've been doing with the older kids while they were away," Frazier said.

"Excellent thing we brought the brothers into this," Dad added.

"I don't care; I want this person caught and handled. Alex is everything to me, and I won't lose her," Ryan said.

Just then, the door opened, and they heard voices coming towards them. "What the fuck?"

They looked to see Junior, Drew, Elijah, and Matt standing there.

"Before anyone asks, yes, we have a problem, and now it's time to get to work," Ryan said.

They all nodded.

Ryan walked up to them. "Nik is never to know, and neither is anyone else."

"Dad, Nik will find out at some point. He thinks Mike's still alive," Matt said.

"Then we will keep it that way, plus Nik already wants nothing to do with Mike," Ryan said.

"What about our moms?" Elijah asked.

"Your mothers are not to know. There is a reason we had Hunter working with you all those years," Dad said.

"Fuck. It will piss off Hope that we can't go on our honeymoon," Junior said.

"No, it won't. You're still going. We need to keep things as normal as possible," Frazier said.

"Hunter will catch you boys up. When you finish, head home. I've got to brief the brothers on this," Ryan said as he, Dad, and Frazier left.

Once they arrived home, Ryan had the brothers meet them to explain the situation.

"That's fucked up. You know that?" Angelo said.

"No shit, Sherlock," Dad said.

"Hey, there's no need to get nasty," Frisco said.

Dad shot Frisco a glare as Zane took over. "What my brothers mean is that we're surprised, but we know what we have to do."

"This kid is the only smart one in the bunch," Frazier whispered to Ryan, causing Ryan to roll his eyes.

"Yeah, we're not deaf and not stupid, unlike someone over there," Xavier said, pointing to Frazier with a smirk.

"I like him," Dad smiled.

"Enough you guys," Leo said with a stern look as he looked at his brothers. "I don't know about you, but my chief concern is Nik, and I will do everything I can to keep him safe." They all looked at Leo as he continued, "Now what do you need us to do?"

With that, they filled the brothers in on their next step. Whoever was behind all of this, it was time to finish it once and for all. Ryan would not let them take his family, and neither would the others. Game on.

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