Game Start

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It was quiet in space, too quiet. Then suddenly, something rocketed through space. Its destination? A planet. He goes through the atmosphere. The flying figure was coming in hot, and then, he made it through the atmosphere and flew into canyon in the alien planet, flying through every asteroid and object in sight.

He then landed right on his destination, via the ground. The hero was none other than Jimmy Neutron, AKA Protonman, the Boy Genius of Steel. Jimmy had a skinsuit on.

The skinsuit is made of a red chainmail-like material with gauntlets a series of separate bands circling his sleeves; the Jimmy Neutron atom logo in yellow on the chest with a middle embossed line in the middle of the "Nucleus".; several silver designs on his torso point to the buckle, which is a square with an atom-shaped glyph in its middle; a silver stripe going down the length of the legs and curves back midway from the waist. The boots are made of the same material as the suit itself, but are colored navy blue, and have M-shaped double rims on the tops. The cape, made of cloth, is painted a far brighter red than even the boots and glyph, and reaches to the ground, trailing behind slightly.

The hero looks around carefully.

He then speaks into his communicator, "Protonman Mission log. All signs pointed to this planet prove to be Dark Danny's fortress to start Weirdmaggedon, but there seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere."

But then, he noticed laser dots aiming at him like flies on pie. As he looks around, he sees why: an army of robots, demons, and ghosts are about to open fire on him! He thinks quickly then saw a crystal formation. He then blasts a red energy ray from his eyes, hitting the crystal formation. The laser reflected off the crystal formation and blasted the rest of the enemies, exploding them into bits, as well sending the Genius of Steel into the air, but he ended up landing safely.

Then, he noticed a spy camera alarm going off, Jimmy then grabbed it and smashed it to bits.

"You're gonna have to do better than that, Danny boy." Protonman then said, and then he grabbed the ground and lifted it with all of his might. He then entered the lair, and he then flew and fought everything in his path, such as gigantic robots.

After fighting off the robots, he then proceeds to enter some sort of maze, and tries to find his way out. What he doesn't know is that someone's watching him.

This someone is a dark figure who is watching Jimmy's progress via control room. The figure smirked evilly. As he pulls a lever

"Come to me my prey." hissed the figure.

A while later, Jimmy entered a door into a hallway. The door then slams down, locking him in. Suddenly, green crystal spikes appeared and began to zoom towards the Boy of Steel. Jimmy yelps as he begins to run through the tunnel with the spikes getting dangerously close to getting him.

He looks on ahead and sees the other door is about to close in. Jimmy, timing it carefully, punches a hole in the door in the nick of time. And once the door closes, the spike slams into the door hard. Jimmy sighs in relief.

"That was too close. I should be more careful." Jimmy then said, before getting ready to fly to the top.

"Gotta Blast!!" Jimmy shouted in determination, making it to the power station. He made it to the power source, and Jimmy attempts to grab it, but to his surprise, it was a hologram, AKA, a trap! Suddenly, the hologram was turned off as he hears a platform rising behind him. Turning, he sees a familiar male figure.

He is a muscled figure with a black and white suit. He had black gloves, white boots, and a DP emblem on his chest, he had pale skin, fangs, red eyes, and flaming white hair. His name was Dark Danny.

"So, we meet again, Jimmy Neutron. For the last time." Dark Danny said, evilly smirking as he held out his glowing fists along with a Kryptonite plasma blaster.

"Not today, Dark Danny!" Jimmy yelled. The villain then fires ecto energy at him forcing the boy genius to grab a part of the platform, blocking the shots. While Dark Danny stops temporarily, Jimmy threw the part at Dark Danny, making him yelp in pain.

Using this distraction, Jimmy quickly flies over Dark Danny and lands on the other side. He turns, getting ready to strike. But Dark Danny was quickly as he turns and blasts Jimmy with his Kryptonite Plasma Blaster. The hero has screamed as he was blasted by a ray containing his only weakness, destroyed once and for all.

Smirking that he has finally rid himself of his sworn enemy, Dark Danny laughs evilly as he waves a fist in the air. Suddenly the words 'Game Over' appeared.

Back to reality, 7AM, July 21st, 2003, Trent's room-

Turns out it was a just Level in a video game.

"Oh no!" Toothless said, exclaiming that he lost in a Heroic Academy boss mode on the video game based on the critically acclaimed series. Jimmy was there with him.

"Oh!" Jimmy then said, wincing. "You almost had it."

"I'll never defeat Dark Danny!" Toothless complained.

"Sure you will, Toothless. In fact, you're a better gamer then I am!" Jimmy then said, confidently.

"But look at my slow arms! I can't just press shoot and jump at the same time!" Toothless then said, but then, a noise was heard as stuff was being thrown. Jimmy looked over to the drawer and noticed a certain toy looking around in a concerned manner.

Jimmy Neutron chuckles as he shook his head. Looks like pull string doll Sherman Peabody has lost his glasses again.

Well, you know that was a game sequence. Next: Sherman looks for his glasses!

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