A Concern

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Sherman was looking from drawer to drawer for his pair of glasses, much to the confusion of the other toys.

"Where is it?!" Sherman asked, concerned.

"Uh, Sherman?" Jimmy asked, prompting Sherman to pop up and hit his head on another drawer and he ended up falling down to the floor, face first. "Leaping Electrons! Hold on, buddy boy!"

The boy genius jumps onto the desk lamp and uses it to jump onto a small car on a racing car track nearby. He rides on the car, goes through the loop, and jumped right off landing right near Sherman, who got up.

Well, this isn't the first time Jimmy did something to annoy Sherman a bit. When they first met, he got on Sherman's nerves...a lot.

Ever since Trent Cooper, his owner, got him for Christmas in Kindergarten, Sherman Peabody was Trent's favorite. Ever since then, he felt that it will always be that way. But of course, a toy's fear is that their owner will someday replace them with a favorite and the boy toy fears this for years though kept it hidden.

One day in the summer of 2002, his fear seemed as if it came true, Trent's family agreed to have Trent's birthday party before they move to the suburbs of Boston, which meant a lot of new presents. And one of them was Jimmy Neutron, boy genius. At the time, the boy genius toy thought he was actually a CIA Apprentice like he was on the show, Heroic Academy, he soon became an instant phenom with the other toys, which made Sherman jealous as ever as it seems that Jimmy Neutron became Trent's new favorite toy.

Then, things took a turn for the worst, in one attempt to be with Trent and go to Dave and Buster's, a place of arcade and pizza, Sherman tried to get Jimmy stuck behind the desk and have him hidden for a while. But the plan failed when Sherman accidentally sent him out the window. The toys (except for Mabel) thought Sherman tried to get rid of Jimmy out of jealousy. They tried to get revenge but Trent took Sherman to the pizza/arcade place, saving him in the nick of time.

On the way to the arcade, Jimmy, who luckily survived the fall, tried to get vengeance, resulting in the 2 toys being separated from Trent Cooper. The 2 managed to get to the arcade and try to reunite with Trent. However, thanks to problems beyond Sherman's control, they're not only still separated from their owner, but they end up in the clutches of Duncan Ryanson, Trent's next door juvenile delinquent neighbor who destroys toys for his own amusement.

Duncan took the 2 toys back to his home and room, a place of nightmares and mutant toys, toys that were wrecked and ruined by their owner. The 2 try to escape while surviving the dangers.

And at this time, after watching a commercial for Jimmy Neutron action figures, Jimmy learned the hard way that he was just nothing but a toy. Depressed, he didn't care about the fact that Duncan tied him to a rocket, planning to blow him up to bits. Luckily for Jimmy, Sherman talked to the genius, making Jimmy realize that being a toy is better than being an actual CIA apprentice and that Trent loves him because he's Trent's toy. Although this makes Sherman feel that the whole mess is his fault, Jimmy's spirit is reinvigorated, the 2 agree to get back to their owner.

With the help of the mutant toys, who turned out to be nice after all, not only did Sherman save Jimmy from an explosive fate, but he and the mutant toys scared Duncan to the point that he vowed never to destroy toys again. It was a great victory for toys everywhere.

Then our 2 heroes went through obstacles to get back to Trent. After almost being lost a few times, they soon returned to the boy's loving arms thanks to Jimmy saving the 2 from that firework and gliding to the boy's loving arms. The toys soon realized that Sherman never wanted to destroy Jimmy in the first place, forgave him, and became his friends again.

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