Sewing Old Wounds

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  That night in Evan's bedroom, the toy collecting boy had the Red Sox game on, but he was falling asleep by the time the 9th inning begun.
Sherman looked around and checked if the coast was clear enough to get out. He needs to get to Trent Cooper's home, but he knows that his friends won't forgive him for running off on them and forcing them back into storage. But he has no other option. But first, he has to get his arm back.

Sherman walked over to the bed, and so far, he was doing well, that is until he hears something.

He turned and is surprised to see Gompers, Helga, Arnold, Gerald, Penny, Mason, and Carl following him.

"What the---?!? Sherman said. "You don't mind going back into storage?"

"Do you really wanna disappoint your kid?" Edmund asked.

"All right, you guys can come but keep quiet." Sherman whispered. They fallow their friend, trying not to make any noises. Upon reaching the bed, Sherman climbs up to Evan's bed and sneaks over to the arm. He reaches for it.

Gompers then smelled something that smelled delicious, it was tempting, he started to lick his fingers, tickling the boy. Helga tapped his tail, as if to tell him to "Shut up" in a polite way.

Sherman sighs, wondering what the kid ate. He reaches for the arm, but only Penny hears a rumbling noise. It's coming from the boy's stomach, she climbed up the bed to warn Sherman, but too late, the toy collecting boy burps, making the toys gag.

"Wow, this kid can eat!" Sherman said, gagging.

"He had pizza for dinner." Penny then said. Everyone looked at her in a confused way. "Harold can smell foods from a distance."

Sherman then takes the arm back slowly. He smiles as he held the arm in triumph. Well, that's one problem solved.

Suddenly, without warning, a sound of a remote being click is heard and the TV is turned on, Sherman's show starting to play loudly! Evan woke up suddenly knocking Penny and Sherman fall to the floor, forcing them back to toy mode.

Half asleep, the boy woke up fully looking around confused. The TV was turned on without him using the remote or using the buttons. He looks down and sees the kids on the floor. He looks puzzled as he sees the glass cases empty.

He mumbles as he picks up The toys, and puts them back in their cases.

As Evan looks around the room for the remote, Sherman looks puzzled. How did the TV got turned on? Just then, Penny spots something nearby. It's the remote control...and it's near Cindy's case! Suddenly, the toys have a hint on who foiled his escape.

"Where is it? I can't just leave it like this..." Evan then finds the remote and picks it up. "Found it."

With a yawn, Evan turned the TV off. With another yawn, he heads out the door, heading to the bathroom. Sherman looks concerned as the collector is taking the toy's arm with him!

As the door closes, the group frowns at Cindy. That girl has some nerve! They jumped out of their glass cases and stomped towards her.

"Why did you do something like that?" Helga said, angrily.

"What do you mean?!" Cindy said, confused.

"Don't play dumb, you know what you did." Gerald then said.

"Look, being angry about something you don't want to talk about is bad enough, but why did you do that?" Sherman angrily said.

"What?!" Cindy replied, accused. "That's crazy! I didn't turn on the TV!"

"Oh, sure. Blame everybody but yourself! That is so you." Stinky said, rolling his eyes.

"Maybe the TV got turned on by itself. And maybe, just maybe, the remote sat right in front of you!" Penny angrily said.

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