Sherman's Finest Hour

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"Happy trails, Prospector!" Sherman joked.

"Well, what a day." Jimmy then said.

"Oh, and Jimmy, I'm sorry for earlier." Stan said. "I was so afraid of being abandoned and forgotten by Trent, because..."

"Because of being outgrown?" Jimmy then said, raising an eyebrow. Sherman was caught by surprise. "Sherman, when I accepted I was a toy, I also accepted that Trent was going to outgrow me, but I can still make my time worthwhile with the kid while I still have the shot."

"Jimmy! Sherman!" Edmund shouted out, trying to get the case open.

"Help us out here, dudes!" Soos said.

Meanwhile, the toys were helping Cindy get out of the case, but unfortunately the bag slid down the ramp!

Sherman shouted, "Oh, no, CINDY!"

The toys watched helplessly as Cindy in the green case slid down the ramp to the runway.

Cindy cried, "Sherman!"

The suitcase came to a complete stop at the bottom of the ramp. Seeing baggage people coming over, Cindy went back into toy mode. One of the baggage carriers put Cindy back into the case, closed, and takes it away to a nearby waiting luggage car.

"Cindy!" exclaimed Penny, horrified. Someone's got to do something or Cindy will be spending the rest of her life alone in a museum in Japan! Sherman gets an idea and gets on Gompers's back. Ford then got on Harold's back. Mabel then got on Waddles' back.

"What the-?" Harold exclaimed.

"Just shut up and act like a horse!" Helga shouted.

"Whatever, Madame Fortress Mommy." Harold said, angered.

Sherman yelled, "Guys, come on! We got to save Cindy!"

"All right." said Jimmy as he got on, behind his best friend. They got to save their new friend!

"Ride like the wind, Gompers!" Sherman yelled one of his catch phases.

The toys slid down the ramp and landed safely on the runway. As the luggage car heads off, Sherman and his riders runs after the car. Gumball and Dani then proceeded to get on Waddles' back alongside with Mabel. The toys ran after the luggage car, determined to save their new friend.

"Hey Howdy Hey, Giddy up!" said Sherman, urging his friend on.

"Ride like the wind, Harold!" Ford then said.

"Come on, Gompers! Hyaah!" exclaimed Jimmy. He is concerned, especially for Cindy.

"Oh, I'm exhausted! My genetic makeup has thrown in the towel! I'm filthy with sweat! Bath, I need a bath!" Edd whined, unaware that Ed is carrying him on his shoulders. "Why thank you, Ed!"

Ed exclaimed, "It's getting away!" Ed then stoops over to place Eddy on top of Edd's shoulders, creating a tower.

"Thattaboy, Ed!" Eddy said, determined.

"Jimmy, give me a boost!" Sherman said.

The toys got closer to the car, Sherman climbed on Jimmy's shoulder's as he tries to get the tag hanging from the luggage. Sherman grabs it, only to get pulled off.

Regardless of that, Sherman gets to the top of the cart. Sherman looks over and sees the suitcase. He then began to jump from one luggage cart to the next. He managed to get to the suit case, but the driver stops, and takes the suit case to the plane. Sherman is unsure what to do, until he sees a golf bag.

Sherman got in the golf bag zipping pocket, and the driver places that in the plane. Sherman unzips the bag, and gets out, with golf balls falling out.

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