Yard Sale Foddler

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Besides people like Duncan, and being abandoned, toys have a greater fear, and that is: Yard Sales.

"Yard sale!" Sherman shouted out, waking everyone up. "Wake up! Wake up, guys! There's a yard sale out front!!!"

"Yard sale?!" Jimmy exclaimed.

"Emergency roll call!" Sherman shouted. The toys lined up in a line, and everyone was here.

"Oh, I hate yard sales!" Toothless complained. Then, footsteps were heard.

"Incoming!!" General then said, prompting everyone to go back to their places and go into toy mode.

It was Dwayne Sr., the bumbling brother of Trent's father, and the soon to be bumbling father of Dwayne Jr.

"Alrighty then, Trent's dad told me to find toys that Trent might not need any more. I already searched through these old antiques and old baby toys that Trent used to have. What could younger kids want?" Dwayne Sr. then said.

He then rubbed his chin in thought, then he remembered something. "Ah!"

He then went to the high shelf and grabbed Steven, much to Sherman's horror.

"Sayonara, old friend." Steven whispered, without Dwayne Sr. noticing.

Then, the idiot walked out with the crystal gem toy, and Sherman knew he had to do something. Having a nearly torn arm and having nightmares about becoming thrown away as a disused toy was one thing, but Sherman won't tolerate Yard Sales, especially if Trent's away from home.

Sherman kept thinking, panicking then a light bulb metaphorically lit over Sherman's head.

He whistled with his left hand, no avail. He then groaned. He then picked up his limp, nearly torn arm and whistled, calling Snoopy into the room, the dog looked upwards and noticed Sherman. Apparently, toys can't move in front of humans (except that one time where they gave Duncan a taste of his own medicine), but they can make an exception for the pets.

Sherman then dropped from the shelf, and landed (Painfully in the groin) on the dog's back.

"Come on, we got a friend to save, hiyaah!" Sherman then said, riding the dog like a horse. The dog then ran downstairs, and all of the toys had a concerned look on their faces.

"Don't do it! We love you, Sherman!" Toothless shouted in fear.

Sherman rides on Snoopy as the dog runs down the stairs. The boy toy said in precaution, "Careful. Easy on the steps!"

Snoopy ran down the stairs easily, with Sherman to keep his grip on the collar as he hits the wall. Soon, Snoopy made it to the front lawn and opened the door. The 2 look and check things out. Surely enough, they see Dwayne Sr. putting the 25 cent box, with Steven still inside it, on a table.

"Okay, let's go, boy. But try to keep it casual." Sherman instructed quietly. They got to do this rescue mission without being caught or worse.

Snoopy nods then he waltzes out the door in a nonchalant manner, wearing his "Joe Cool" Shirt and sunglasses. He then walks onto the sidewalk and heads to the front door.

Sherman, who was holding onto Snoopy's side, rolls his eyes as he said, "That's not what I had in mind!"

Snoopy grins sheepishly and goes to the front yard, heading to the tables.

There were customers, customers everywhere.

Typically, the goods in a garage sale are unwanted items from the household with its owners conducting the sale. The conditions of the goods vary, but they are usually usable. Some of these items are offered for sale because the owner does not want or need the item to minimize their possessions or to raise funds.

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