When Somebody Loved Me

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Mabel, Waddles and Dani were looking around, with Ford catching up.

Mabel was clearly concerned, for Sherman in particular. She was panicking, breathing heavily. Then, a small piece of paper fell from Waddles' back.

"What the-?" Dani then said, she then grabbed it and it had a drawing of a love heart with the words "ShermanxMabel 4ever". "You love Sherman?"

"What?! Yeah, right! I just think Sherman's a sweet guy, okay? It's not like I lie awake at night thinking about him!" Mabel then said, nervously. Dani raised an eyebrow. Then Mabel had a sad look.

"Alright, you would understand, but Sherman isn't like other boys. He's actually a sweet guy." Mabel then said. "Jimmy's lucky to have a friend like him. You never forget a guy like Sherman, because he's like one of the rarest, nicest guys I've ever met."

"Mabel, I didn't know." Dani then said.

"Let's go find him." Ford then said, after overhearing this. "I know how much Sherman means to you. And I can understand how you felt before I became a lost toy."

"Thank you. I really appreciate the comfort." Mabel then said.

"Mabel, I've been alone for months, and I don't want you to suffer the same fate as I did. And don't worry, Mabel. Sherman will be found. and we have the best guy for the job." Ford then said.

Back in the Jimmy Neutron aisle, Jimmy yelps as he is tied down to a cardboard by the Utility Belt version of himself.

"Let me go! This is a mistake! You are not a CIA Apprentice! A toy! You are a toy! Don't you get it?" Jimmy angrily yells as he gets shoved into an empty Jimmy toy box and it closed in. How ironic.

UB Jimmy ignores the original as he said. "Tell that to the CIA."

"Let me go! You don't understand!"

The UB version places him on the shelf with the other Jimmy Neutron action figures. He then leaves, all set to find Dark Danny.

The car arrived in the aisle while Pacifica Northwest continued her tour, "We are now in the Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius aisle. Some retailers could not order enough toys to meet demands in late November 2001."

The toys looked up as they see a familiar figure in front of them. Gene smiles as he said, "Hey, look! Jimmy!"

It is Jimmy, but what they don't know is that it is actually the Utility belt version. He sees the toys and gets his "laser" out preparing to fight.

It's technically Jimmy, but it's the Utility Belt Version. He sees the toys and gets ready and aims his laser at them, preparing to fight them.

"Halt! Who are you?!" UB Jimmy demanded, suspiciously. He feels as if these newcomers are working for Dark Danny.

"Put the laser down and get in the car." Gumball said, rolling his eyes.

"I got good news, I found a way to defeat Dark Danny once and for all, Jimmy!" Toothless excitedly said.

"Really? You do?" UB Jimmy said, surprised and impressed as he places the laser away.

"Come in. I can tell you on the way."

The original Jimmy, the real one, looks shocked as his UB version get into the cars. The toys do not realize that they are picking up the wrong one.

"Wait up! You got the wrong guy! I'm over here!!" Jimmy said, alarmed.

Of course, none of the toys could hear their real friend. They are too busy to look at the other Jimmy toys on display.

Gene then notices the Utility Belt as he said, "Wow, that's new. When did you get the cool shiny belt?"

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