A Surprise!

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Meanwhile, at the video game aisle, Mabel, Waddles, Ford and Dani were looking through stuff, when suddenly, they crossed paths with a plush toy. He had tan skin, brown hair, a unibrow, a sleeveless shirt with a lightning bolt on it, jeans, and baseball shoes. He's about the same body size as Wolfgang. His name was Ludwig.

"Hey!" Ludwig exclaimed. "What are you doing?"

"Well, we're looking for our friend." Mabel then said.

"You must be this 'Mabel' I heard about from Sherman and Arnold right before your friend got fixed. You must be looking for them." Ludwig then said.

"Yeah!" Mabel then said, happily.

"Meet me at Mr. Worthington's office." Ludwig then said.

In the office, the toys, both Trent's toys and Evan's toys, at least most of them, have found the place. After leaving Pacifica Northwest, they begin searching the place in hopes to find Sherman.

"Hey Sherman!" Gene looked in the box.

"It's empty, idiot." Gumball said, leaving.

"Sherman!" SpongeBob calls out. He then sees two punching toys, Optimus Prime and Megatron.

"Excuse me, Gentlemen, have you seen a toy with a bad arm?" Spongebob said to the 2 toys.

"No, I haven't." Megatron then said.

"HEY! He was talking to me." Optimus yelled.

"No, he was talking to me!!" Megatron yelled.

"Why you...." The two punching toys threw punches at each other like mad. However Megatron's head soon popped up, losing the fight.

"Hey!" A voice called out. It came from Edmund, who was with the Hey Arnold! toys, excluding Helga, who went after Mabel.

"Who the heck are you guys?" Gumball asked.

"Those are the Hey Arnold toys, Gumball." Gene then said.

"Yeah, and I know where your friend is." Edmund then said.

"You do?" Gumball lightened up.

"Well, maybe you can take us to him." Soos then said.

"Oh, sure." Helga said, shrugging.

"You see, all along we thought the way into Dark Danny's fortress was through the main gate. But there's a secret entrance in the left, hidden in the shadows, in fact." Toothless said, explaining to UB Jimmy on how to defeat Dark Danny.

"A secret entrance in the left, hidden in the shadows, got it." UB Jimmy said, tapping into his communicator.

"Are you dorkwads done yet? Because my friends know how to get your friend back." Helga rolled her eyes, then she heard someone coming into the office.

"It's Evan!" Gerald exclaimed.

"In the bag, now!" Arnold said, and all the toys ran into the backpack just as Evan Worthington and Mr. Worthington came in, with the son on a cell phone talking to the owner of the Japanese museum, Mr. Worthington went into his conference room, explaining to the other business men what's going on.

"Okay, you don't really care about the traffic details, it was bad, but I need your fax numbers so I can send the photos to you." Evan said to Mr. Wasonasong.

"Very well. It's 011..." Mr. Wasanasong begins to explain.

"Slow down, slow down. 011..." Mr. Wasanasong said as Evan taps the fax numbers.

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