The Meaning of a Toy

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"I know this sounds crazy, but the fact is, I'm this rare doll, in fact, I used to have a TV show in the 1990's on Nickelodeon. These are the Round up cast. I know you met part of the Nicktoons Roundup cast already." said Sherman motioning to everyone except Trent's toys.

"Uh...what are you talking about? I know you had a show in the 50's but I never heard of this." Jimmy asked, puzzled. Jimmy has his own TV show, that's true. But Sherman's show aired during the 50's, not the 90's!

"Come on! Nicktoons' Roundup??? It's this great show that was on years before your movie came along, Jimmy! Sherman's the main star, see?" Cindy turns the TV on showing some clips from Nicktoons' Roundup. Trent's toys watch, puzzled and a bit surprised. "See? That's him!"

"And that's why Evan stole him in the first place, because his show was a phenomenon during the late 90's before Jimmy's movie was released." Helga then said.

Without a clue, UB Jimmy decides to go with the PS118 toys and the Roundup toys, and with a nonchalant shrug, UB Jimmy nonchalantly says, "Well that makes sense."

"Well, that explains a lot." Gene then said. "Was it just as big as a Super Bowel?"

"Bigger!" Libby said.

"Impossible!" Gene said.

"My show was a national phenomenon that has a lot of merchandise! Oh, you should've seen it.There was a record player and a yo-yo, and the best part, my show won Emmy Awards, Annie Awards, the movie even won Academy Awards!!!" Sherman said, excited. "I was a star, Jimmy! A star!"

"Was....." Gumball said rolling his eyes. Despite this insult, Gumball does have a good point. The past is in the past.

"Sherman, let's go and end this. We can talk about your show later." Jimmy then said, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, and Trent's going to be real upset if you don't come home." Ford then said.

"I'm sorry, I can't go." Sherman said, sadly.

"What?" Mabel said, sadly shocked. "But Sherman, Trent's coming home on Sunday, that's a few days from now. Things aren't the same without you."

Sherman sighs as he said, "Guys, I can't go. I can't turn my back on them." He points to his new friends as he continues, "If I do, they'll go back into storage, for who knows how long? They need me so they can get into the museum."

"Look Sherman, I have no idea what has gotten into you, but if you think you're going to Japan and abandon your owner, then you lost your mind!" Arnold angrily said.

"So? Trent's going to grow up anyway, so why should I have to go back and deal with that when I could last for an eternity at the museum?" Sherman asked, annoyed by this ordeal. Disgusted, some of the Hey Arnold! toys decided to leave.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Goten demanded.

"I've had it being a collector's item. If there's one thing I know about toys, it's that they're meant to be played with!" Arnold then said.

"Yeah, c'mon, guys, let's bail!" Gerald angrily said.

"Fine! Go on! I don't need you, Wasonasong still needs the Roundup Collection, he doesn't care about your show!!" Goten angrily said.

Ford walked towards Sherman, angrily.

"After what your friends have been through, you're turning your back on them?" Ford angrily said.

"Listen, you have to understand that the Roundup Gang has been in storage for so long." Cindy then said, apologetically.

"She's right. I don't have a choice anymore." Sherman said, sadly.

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