Use Your Head!

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Meanwhile in Evan's room, which is full of suitcases, Sherman and his friends were secretly excited. Evan and his father were getting things ready.

"Uh, son, whatever it is you're doing, what did you do this time?" Mr. Worthington asked.

"Okay, I might've accidentally been looking through the news, and I noticed that the Wasonasong Toy Museum in Tokyo is being opened, and a friend of mine knows a guy at the museum." Evan then said.

"So you're selling your toys? Why?" Mr. Worthington asked.

"I just want to make some money, that's all." Evan said, sheepishly. The father and son then walked out of the room, and Evan quietly mumbled, "I'm doing this to save this family business, if it's not going to be dad or mom, it's going to be me that puts this store in competition with Wal-Mart."

Then, the toys came to life. They are all excited. They are all together and now are going to Japan to be in a museum!

"We are going! Isn't this great?" Cindy said, happily.

"You will be having fine custom-fitted foam insulation to sit in, Gompers." Goten then said chuckling with a smile. "We will be first class on here on in!"

"Wow. I am...excited! I really am!" Sherman laughed with a smile. A while ago, he wasn't interested but now, he is excited. If he can't go to the museum for himself, then for at least Cindy's sake.

"Well, why couldn't you be happy? You are going to be famous. First class citizens from now on!" Goten then chuckled happily.

As Cindy laughs, she got out of her foam and dances with Sherman saying, "This is fun, wow!" The toys begin to dance happily. "You dance well, Sherman!"

"Look! The box step!" laughed Goten as he tries his best to dance.

Minutes later, as they continue their climb up the elevator shaft with UB Jimmy above them, the toys are getting tired. They don't know it but this Jimmy is willing to take any chances.

"This is exhausting!" Helga said, exhausted.

"I told you we should've taken the elevator!" Edmund then said. "You can stop whining."

"Well, what can we expect from a toy that has a character that sounds like child version of Joan Cusack?" Mabel then said.

"Shut up!!" Helga shouted. Although, when voicing Helga, you can hear a little bit of child Joan Cusack in Francessca Smith's voice.

"I think it's safe to say that this was terrible idea." Ford then said.

Then, coins came out of Gene. "Look out below!!"

"Yeah! If I was really a human boy, I'd lose a lot of calories." Gene then said.

"I'm so tired! I'm hungry too!" Harold then said.

"How much longer is this thing?" Gerald then said.

These poor toy kids are getting tired. What's worse, is that Harold is getting tired, he tried to stretch out his arms but ends up slipping, causing the toys to hang on Stinky, who's got a good grip on the rope.

"Oh no! We're gonna die! Someone dictate my will! I'm giving it all to Waddles!" Mabel begged, annoying Helga.

UB Jimmy then pressed the button on his Utility Belt, getting ready to do something.

"Don't worry, guys! I'm going to let go of the wall!" Jimmy then said, prompting everyone to look up in fright.

"WHAT?!" Everyone exclaimed.

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