Double Trouble

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While Sherman was once again fixed, Jimmy was still looking around for Mr. Worthington, but no luck.

Unbeknownst to them, someone was watching this from the security camera, it was none other than Arnold and his friends.

"Someone go get Ludwig." Helga then said, confused.

He went from aisle to aisle hoping to find his best friend, but then, something stopped him, he looked behind him, what was it that caught his attention? He looked behind him and walks back to the aisle and his jaw drops in amazement.

He saw an aisle of Jimmy Neutron action figures, in their boxes, ready to be sold. Jimmy was in awe of this. He walks in the aisle, impressed about what he saw. But it's not the first time he saw something like this. He saw that commercial about it back in Duncan's home when he learned the hard way about the fact about he was a toy, but after Sherman and a reinvigorated Jimmy reunited with Trent, this felt like a big homecoming to him. Then, he noticed a sign next to the aisle, it said, "Utility Belt Jimmy". Jimmy whistled in awe.

"I could use one of those." Jimmy then said. He then climbed up to one of the gigantic attracting containers and saw a look-a-like of him, only one thing's different, his shirt is white, his atom is navy blue with red in the middle, and his shirt had navy blue lining in his armpits and he had a Silver Jetpack, and his jeans have a dark blue look. The utility belt looked silver and light blue.

"Wow." Jimmy said, surprised.

In another aisle, Toothless was explaining the strategy guide to everyone. Gumball groans. He has been listening to him ever since he got the strategy guide.

"Yeah, this strategy guide is amazing. It's like the only way you could defeat Dark Danny if you buy this." Toothless said with a smile. Refusing to listen to anymore of this, Gumball decides to remove his ears.

Then, the toys jumped out of the way as something nearly knocked them down by accident. Turns out it's just a toy car with Gene at the wheel and SpongeBob in the back seat.

"Hey, check it out, guys! We can search like Archer and Cyrill!" Gene said, grinning.

"Bada Bing, Bada Boom!" Spongebob said, a la Robert DeNiro.

Gumball rolled his eyes and got in. "Get outta the way, I'm driving!" Gumball snapped. As he and Toothless got in, Gumball pushed the Burger bank into the next seat.

Gumball begins to drive, only to bump into a lot of boxes doing so. He groans in anger. But what can we expect from a terrible driver? The toys continued on their way as they looked for their friend, while dodging the mess Gumball made.

Back in the display in the Jimmy Neutron aisle, Jimmy looked at the Utility Belt version of himself.

"Is my head really that big??" Jimmy then said, confused. He notices that this version of Jimmy's utility belt, confused and intrigued. He decides to hold it to check it out.

But as Jimmy reaches for it, his double came to life and grabbed him by the arm, and put him in a restrained position.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Jimmy demanded.

Utility Belt Jimmy then sternly said,"You're in violation of code-6484.5! Stating that all CIA apprentices must remain in hyper sleep until being awoken by authorized personnel."

"Oh, no." Jimmy groaned, realizing that his double is behaving the way Jimmy used to. Thinking that he's a CIA apprentice. The same behavior that almost got him and Sherman destroyed or worse, the same behavior that almost made them lost toys. Now he's experiencing it all over again, except this time he is on the receiving end!

"Don't you know you are breaking ranks, Agent?" UB Jimmy snapped as he shoves the original to the plastic wall. Then, he takes out his "communicator".

"Jimmy Neutron to CIA," Utility belt Jimmy said to his wrist watch, "I found an AWOL CIA apprentice!"

"Please tell me I wasn't this deluded." Jimmy said, annoyed and embarrassed.

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