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GROANING, Margo got up from her bed. She walked to the bathroom looking like a zombie. Once there she combs her hair and brushes her teeth, deciding to shower tonight because she was too tired and she did shower last night. She splashes her faces with some water in hopes to wake up. The girl really shouldn't have read so late last night. She told herself, just one more chapter and before she knew it, it was two am and she had to be up at six. Hearing a chuckle at the door, she looks over to see her twin brother, Matt, with an amused expression on his face. He knew exactly what she did and told her not to but she wouldn't listen.

"Shut up, Matty." She grumbled and dried her face with the towel.

"I didn't say anything." He defended, holding his hands up, but the smug expression staying on it.

"Your face did." She retorted as she started to walk to him, he moved aside so that she could exit the bathroom.

"So, apparently Damon and Stefan pulled Elijah's dagger out of him and he pulled out his siblings daggers." He told her, knowing she would hear it from Klaus later so he beat him to it. He didn't like the fact that his kind, human, fragile twin sister was best friends with an evil, immortal, Original hybrid but with her big heart and kind soul, he knew it would be impossible to stop her because as much as she is kind, she is stubborn.

"Oh my god!" She exclaimed horrified, suddenly wide awake. She sped up her pace and slammed her bedroom door in her brother's face and he sighed knowing what she's about to do and that he's going to have to cover her shift until she's done. Margo got dressed as fast as she could and proceeded to run out of her house, yelling a goodbye over her shoulder as she go into her car. She drove over to her best friends house as fast as she could and ran up to and into the mansion without knocking. Breathing heavily from not being used to running like her quarterback brother, she rested her hands on her knees and yelled out:


No answer but the Mikaelson siblings heard her and smelt her human scent. Two out of the four knew who that was. There went very pleasant shivers down the Wildest Mikaelson spine as she heard her voice.

"Stay here." Elijah ordered the rest off his siblings who nodded. "I mean it." He added with a pointed look to Kol. Rolling his eyes, he nodded but couldn't help but feel intrigued by the female to who that voice belonged.

"Klaus!" She tried again and this time she got an answer, only it wasn't her hybrid best friend.

"My brother isn't her, can I help you?" She heard the accented voice of Elijah Mikaelson and looked up with a smile as he looked at the man dressed in his ever present suit.

"Elijah!" She exclaimed and ran to him. She barreled into him and he caught her with a chuckle. In the sitting room, Kol felt a surge of jealousy go through him at the joy in her words.

"It's good to see you too, Margr-" He started but was cut off.

"So help me if you finish that dreadful word, I will ask Klaus to kick your ass." She threatened seriously and he nodded with a chuckle. She despised her full name. Margaret. "Speaking of the devil, where is he?" She questioned him and he sighed.

"Probably out there causing chaos." He told her and she nodded. Margo know exactly who he is and what he can do but she still chooses to be his friend and in return he as never harmed her and would kill whoever dared to. The Mystic Falls gang often thought that there is something going on between the two but they loved one another as a brother and a sister, much like her and Elijah but they have a deeper bond.

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