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THE dance was in full swing when Margo Donovan and Kol Mikaelson entered the Mystic Falls High School gym. Students and chaperones alike stared at the unlikely couple. The girl with a kind smile and the guy with a mischievous grin. But odd as the couple were, no one could deny how much they fit together perfectly. No one could deny the connection that the two had.

It was hard for the usually mild-mannered and kind girl, to keep her temper under control when the girls checked out her unbelievable hot soul mate, dressed up in a tuxedo. She couldn’t really blame them, she really couldn’t. Not when her legs turned into jelly and her heart almost beat out of her chest when she layed eyes on Kol when he came to fetch her. But still, he is hers.

“Would you like to dance, Mango?” He asked her and instead of glaring at someone when they referred to her as a fruit, she laughed with her head thrown back. Before he could stop himself, Kol leaned forward and placed a kiss on her forehead. A fluttering feeling started in Margo’s stomach from the sweet gesture.

“Yes, but I would like something to drink first.” The human told her vampire. They started walking to the refreshments table they decorated earlier that day. Margo’s eyebrows raised to her hairline when she sees Elena and Stefan dancing while they were walking to the table. “Poor Damon.” She muttered.

Kol’s eyebrows furrowed. “Why are you feeling sorry for Damon? He tried to kill you. Multiple times.” The Original all but growled out. She nodded, then gestured towards the dancing Gilbert-Salvatore couple.

“Yes, but no one deserves to get their heart broken. The really sad thing is, Elena has feelings for Damon too. She’s just to afraid of what people will think of her when she’s dating the town monster.” Margo told her mate and he could understand her point. It nearly destroyed him when he had to tell his mate the truth about them. The fear of losing her. The heartbreaking pain that would have come with her rejection. It would have broken him. “Besides, I’ve already forgiven him.”

The Original gaped at her, “How can you possibly forgive him?” They reached the table. She poured herself a glass of punch before answering him with a gentle smile.

“If the roles was reversed, and it was your family or even my life on the line, and it was Damon’s fault, what would you do?” She asked him, wanting him to understand why she forgave the blue-eyed Salvatore. His expression darkened.

“I’d rip out his hear- oh!” It was like a light went off in Kol’s brain. Suddenly it all made sense. But even with all of her reasoning, he still couldn’t forgive Damon for almost killing his other half. He looked down at the short girl in front of him with all of the love possible. He didn’t deserve her, she was everything he wasn’t. Kind, good, honest, lovable, selfless and caring. Somehow, he was blessed with her. If there was a God out there somewhere, she came from him. She was an angel. By some miracle, his angel.

“Now you get it.” She smiled her usual wide and capturing smile.

“Little Donovan.” A familiar voice said from the other side of her. She turned to him in shock. With lighting speed, Kol was between them glaring at the oldest Salvatore.

“Not trying to make trouble again, are you, mate?” The Mikaelson asked with a grin but Damon could see the crazed and deadly look in his eyes, ready to rip out his heart if he so much as layed a finger on Margo. Or his soulmate as the blue-eyed man heard. Caroline really can’t keep her mouth shut. But it’s not like the Donovan girl or the Original wanted to keep it a secret any longer.

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