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KOL AND MARGO WALKED UP THE CHURCH STEPS TOGETHER. Her arm was looped through his and she wore a nice black dress while he was dressed up in a suit. Woman and girls stared at the Mikaelson a few seconds longer than what was strictly necessary and the blonde pretended not to notice because they were at a memorial service for the dead. And according to what Matt told her when he called her a half hour ago, there is also a hunter on the loose, so it would not bode very well for Margo to loose control.

"Margo!" A voice called out to the newly turned vampire and the soulmates halted in their tracks. She turned and saw the other new vampire in town walking up to her. "Hey, can I talk to you for a second?"

The 'no' was at the tip of her tongue but then she saw the desperation in Elena's eyes and remembered that the Gilbert saved her brother. She also remembered that once upon a time, she and the doppelganger was friends. Margo sighed and nodded.

"Kol, go inside and find us some seats, I'll be there in a minute." The blonde told her mate. The Original gave her a look before shrugging and heading inside but not before pressing a kiss to her temple. Margo grinned as a fuzzy warmth spread through her.

"You didn't have to do that." The brunette said, pointing to the doors that the Mikaelson just went through. Margo gave her a shrug and a small smile.

"No, I didn't." The blonde vampire acknowledged. "Although I'm in love with Kol, I'm not under some kind of an illusion that you suddenly like the Mikaelson's. You can't forgive Klaus, and by extension his family, for the heartache he's caused you and I respect that enough to not rub my relationship in you nose." And suddenly, Elena felt like a really shitty person. Even after hurting her, Margo is still taking her feelings in consideration. "What did you want, Elena?"

"I wanted to ask you something. About our... situation." The tan skinned girl said and immediately Margo knew what she meant. Their new statuses as vampires.

"What about it?"

"What are you drinking from?" Elena asked, looking scared and desperate and a little embarrassed and Margo felt so bad for her. She decides that she would do what she could to help Elena.

"Bloodbag." Margo answered softly, looking around discreetly.

"Are you having any problems with holding blood down?" The Gilbert girl whispered, looking around her to make sure no one was listening to their conversation as well.

"No, I don't." Margo frowned before asking softly. "Elena, what's going on?" Before the Gilbert girl could answer her, not that she need to - Margo isn't stupid, Damon called the doppelganger and she turned to him. The blonde saw the torn look on her face and gave her a small smile. "It's okay. Go."

Margo walked into the church, her eyes flickering around for her mate. Her blue eyes narrowed when she saw one of the cheerleaders from school - Tiffany, she thinks her name was - flirt with Kol. She found comfort in the fact that Kol looked incredibly uncomfortable and looked like he'd rather be playing in traffic than talk to the cheerleader. Margo sped walked - because she couldn't use her vampire speed - to them, a murderous glint in her eyes. "Seriously, Tiffany? This is a memorial, for dead people?" Margo hissed as she got to the row. The girl looked up, distaste in her eyes.

"Can I help you, Maggie?" The girl asked, her lips curling up in an ugly sneer. Oh, Margo thought with a smirk, Tiffany was probably fuming inside because Kol wasn't accepting her advances.

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