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KOL GRABBED MARGO AROUND HER WAIST AND SPED HER OUT OF THE CHRUCH. People were screaming and shouting and running and Margo's stomach dropped her feet. She remembered what Elena said, that it was April's blood. She made way to take a step towards the church, wanting to help the human girl with her vampire blood - if she was going to be immortal, she might as well make herself useful and use her powers to help other people in need or in trouble.

"Don't even think about it, Margo." The Original objected, tightening his arms around his mate's waist. The blonde looked at him pleadingly.

"Kol, please, I have to help her. April could die. She's so young, she doesn't deserve this." The Donovan girl tried to reason, while trying to wriggle out of his grip.

"You didn't deserve it either." The dark haired man retorted easily and Margo's face fell, her death wasn't something she likes to be reminded of.

"Yes, but I came back. She doesn't have that option." The blonde tried to reason with her mate once again, blue eyes looking into his brown ones with so much emotion that Kol couldn't deny her. But he also couldn't let her go back in the church with the hunter on the loose.

He closed his eyes and sighed before opening them and pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'll save the human girl, on the condition that you don't go back in the church."

Margo grinned and Kol's breath caught in his throat. "I love you." She told him and kissed his cheek. Then she gently shoved his arm when he stared at her with a stupid smile on his face. "Go save April." The Original nodded and with a woosh of air, he was gone.

Kol Mikaelson though that his brother Klaus may have been onto something when he told him that being in love has made him crazier that being a vampire ever has. Because here he was, the Craziest and Wildest Mikaelson, looking for a human that needs to be saved because his mate asked him to. Or more like, she looked at him with her baby blues and he was a goner. Using his nose, the vampire's gaze zeroed in on the balcony. The church was mostly empty and most of the people inside didn't pay attention to him right now so he sped up there. Just in time to see Elena Gilbert about to feed on the human.

He sped in front of her, "Can't let you do that, doppelganger, I am under strict order's to save that girl."

"Get out of my way." She snarled at him, trying to shove past him. Kol rolled his eyes, grabbing her by the arms.

"If you don't calm down, I am going to have no choice but to snap your neck." The Mikaelson tried to warn her. He looked at her, how out of control she was, and wondered if the Salvatore brother's was so busy arguing about who would teach her, that they haven't taught her any control.

"That won't be necessary." A voice said behind him and he spotted a familiar blonde, but not his favourite. Caroline gently grabbed Elena from Kol, tossing the vampire a wary look. "What are you doing here?"

"Margo wanted the human saved and I was not about to put her in danger by letting her back in this church." Kol told her, voice darkening when he thought about the hunter that opened fire in the middle of a church.

Caroline snorted and muttered something that sounded suspiciously like, "So whipped." Kol only shot her a half hearted glare - it was true anyways. He is head over heels for his beautiful mate.

"Do see that the doppelganger doesn't kill the human. If she does, Margo will be very sad. And then I would have no choice but to kill the person responsible for hurting my love." Kol smiled sharply, the dangerous glint in his eyes telling the blonde vampire that the Original is not joking.

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