First kiss

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Murdoc: It was your birthday and you decided to go out to a club and party with the crew. Of course it didn't get unnoticed but the extra attention didn't bother you that much and you just went along with it. Around midnight everyone was drunk off of their mind. It wasn't THE BEST setting for a first kiss but that was when it happened. You were bouncing around the room in a crowd of people as "Momentz" played from the speakers. That was surely a nice touch from the DJ -you thought. Suddenly somebody pulled you away and your eyes met with Murdoc's dark ones.
"ENJOYIN' THE PARTY PRETTY FACE?" He asked with a bottle of gin in hand trying to shout over the music. You giggled swaying from side to side completely lost in the alcohol.
"I ASKED IF YOU'RE ENJOYIN' THE PARTY?" He exclaimed again and before you could reply someone bumped into Muds. The drink in his hand spilled everywhere on the floor and startled both of you. Anger swept on Murdoc's face but he softened again when he saw you laugh and he started laughing himself.
"I ENJOY IT VERY MUCH IF YOU STILL WANT AN ANWSER!" You shouted a minute later.
"THAT'S GOOD!" You bit on your lip and grinned, a wicked alcohol- influenced idea blooming in your mind.
"UH... YEAH?" You grabbed him by his shirt and crashed your lips into his. He hummed in surprise. This kind of behavior towards him was something completely new to him but he couldn't say he didn't enjoy it very much. The palm of his hand found it's way in your hair and a few minutes later you were leaving the club together. To do....
2-D: How could you not remember your first kiss with him? It was your first kiss ever! You and Stu started dating way back during high school when he was known for his overall harsh attitude towards everything but shit, you were sold. He was always incredibly nice to you and you often spent summer nights with him, hanging out listening to him sing and play his guitar. Your first kiss happened during one of those nights when you drove as far as you could and spent the night in a tent out by some lake. The sky was cloudless and it was surprisingly warm for that part of England. You were laying outside on the grass with your head on his chest listening to the tunes he played.
"Hey Y/N?" He suddenly said.
"How is it possible that we still haven't even kissed yet we get along so well?" Stu asked.
"I guess we're just better than everybody else." You half joked.
"Do you wanna kiss though?" He asked again. You stayed silent for some time, unsure really what to say. You could hear his heartbeat increase in speed. He was nervous...
"I mean... Sure. Of course I do. Do you?"
" Yeah! I mean... Yes." He blushed, making you giggle.
"You don't have to be embarrassed." You said pulling yourself up and straddling his lap. He prepped himself on his elbows and observed you carefully. You ran a hand up his chest to his shoulder and leant down so your face was really close to his. "Ready?" He just nodded and his eyes fluttered shut. You smiled and closed the distance between you two, cupping his cheek in your palm.
Russell: Your first kiss with Russ was more than you could've ever wanted. First he took you out on a date which by the way was the third one you've ever been to with him. He took you to the fun fair and it was so wonderfully cliche like something straight from a romantic drama. You managed to win some prizes and annihilate the shit out of people in bumper cars. You went on the ferris wheel and had ice cream and.... Ahhhh what a beautiful day that was...
The evening was approaching quickly so Russ took it upon himself to walk you home and make sure you were safe and sound. He cracked jokes from time to time and complemented you, making you wish the day never ended.
At last, you stopped at your doorstep. You smiled at him kindly.
"Thank you Russell... For today. I had so much fun with you I wish this day could never end." You said with a sincere expression.
"Ahhh no problem doll." He grinned and scratched the back of his head. "Listen uh... I wanna ask you somethin' before I go and regret it."
"Well uh, okay?"
"Would you like to... And just so you know, even if you say no I'm still gonna like you like I do already so nothin's gonna change... At least for me." You raised an eyebrow and smirked.
"Just tell me." He nodded.
"Right so uh... Would you like to go out with me? You know, full time? Not just as friends?" Your eyes lit up and you smiled like a child on christmas day.
"Oh I would absolutely, positively, completely, without a doubt like to." Now it was his turn to smile.
"Really?" You nodded and bit your lip to contain your smile. "Woah... Oh that's so great!" He came up closer to you and embraced you or rather kind of suffocated you but in a really loving manner . You giggled happily and wrapped your arms around his neck. He pulled away some time later still with the same happy grin. "Hey and also, can I kiss you?" You chuckled at the bold question.
"Of bloody course." You replied, leant in and crashed your lips into his.
Noodle: Whenever you and Noodle meet someone new she always makes sure to tell them the story of how she managed to bring out the raging lesbian in you with just one kiss. She also always pays special attention to the fact that it was a DARE and that DARE ended in you dating.
You, Noodle as well as some female friends threw a women's night at one of your friend's appartment that escalated into a game of truth or dare. It went pretty smoothly, nothing too crazy until it was Noodle's turn.
"Let's see... Alright.... Dare." She smirked and folded her arms. Amy, one of your friends was supposed to think of something for her to do. She glanced over at you for a split second and you knew...
"Alright Noo... I dare you... To kiss Y/N. On the lips." Your eyes widened.
"Amy! What the hell???" You exclaimed and blushed.
"Okay." Noodle chirped making all of you turn your heads towards her.
"Wait... You'll actually do it?" Amy asked.
"Unless Y/N doesn't want to..." She fluttered her eyelashes. You smiled shyly.
"Uh... Well... A dare is a dare right?" You blushed even more when you saw her grin happily and jog to your side since she was a few seats away. She sat down next to you.
"Ready?" She chirped.
"I..... I guess?" Your eyes fluttered shut and a second later you felt her hand on your cheek which.... Surprised to to say the least. You didn't expect Noodle to get this close to you. Seconds later you felt her warm lip glossed lips on your own.

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