Untitled Part 38

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You flash the ID card around your neck at the man behind the desk, who gives you a thumbs up and buzzes you through. You hurry down the hall, not too sure where to go, and finally spot the woman you'd been meaning to meet 15 minutes ago standing in front of a door, tapping her foot and looking impatient.

"Hi!" you call, stumbling to a halt in front of her, "so sorry I'm late, I-"

She waves her hand dismissively and taps her watch.
"They started 4 minutes ago, so you're just going to have to creep in. Have you ever done radio work before?"

You shake your head, still trying to catch your breath.

"Ok, well, go in as quietly as you can, and put on the headphones. Artie, he's interviewing you guys today, will connect you up. You don't have to sit too close to the microphone, maybe a few inches away or so. No swearing, no fighting, no touching each other up underneath the table, and try not to yell,"

You nod, suppressing a smirk on account of how serious she looks.
"Got it,"

She glances up at the sign above the door, a box with the words ON AIR lit up in red. She shrugs and reaches for the handle.
"Try your best to be quiet,"

She pushes the door open and you creep in, met with Noodle talking about how fun it was to work with De La Soul again. 2D perks up immediately, waving at you madly, and the interviewer, who you can only guess is Artie, turns to look at you. Noodle trails off, grinning at you, and Artie takes the chance to lean into his microphone and introduce you.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you'll never guess who's finally decided to join us. (Y/n) (L/n), collaborator on the new Gorillaz mystery song, and-"
"And my partner," 2D says, the pride in his voice evident. You blow him a kiss as you sit in the seat beside him, slipping the headphones on. It's just like being in a recording studio, really.

"Hi," you say with a light laugh, "god, sorry I'm so late. You'd never think Starbucks would be heaving at 2pm on a Tuesday afternoon, would you?"

"You bought Starbucks and didn't even ask us if you wanted anything?" Murdoc asks, sounding affronted. As you glance over at him, he shoots you a wink, and you roll your eyes. Always a suck up to the camera. Or microphone, in this case.

"Now, now," Artie says, "let's keep the bickering for when they bring the donuts in. Anyway, (Y/n), Noodle was just telling us about how great it was working with De La Soul again. This is your...second? Third? Well, not your first time working with Gorillaz. How has it changed?"

"It's actually only my second time," you say, "I provided some of the backing guitar on Demon Days, and my little sister was actually in the choir for Dirty Harry,"
"Oh really? Maybe we should get her on in here,"

You laugh, and feel 2D's hand rest on your knee. You glance at him and smile, putting your hand on top of his.

"She'd probably love that. In terms of how it's changed, there's a definite difference. I mean, Noodle-" you glance over at her, and she groans dramatically, "when I first met her, answered the door with a saucepan on her head and one of Russel's shirts on,"
"One of the better first impressions," she says, and everyone in the studio laughs.
"Only because Murdoc had a vendetta against clothes when we were making Demon Days," Russel deadpans, sending the studio into laughter again.
"That and Murdoc struggles to make good first impressions whether he's dressed or not," you chip in, grinning at him cheekily.
"I'll cut your song out," he quips back, "I will, don't make me do it,"
Everyone laughs again, and the last of your nerves melt away.

2D squeezes your knee, and you glance at him, smiling as Murdoc launches into an explanation about why they'd chosen to have so many collaborators, new and old, on the album. He leans a little closer to you, and mouths 'thank you for coming'. You smile even wider, and kiss his cheek as silently as you can.

"So, (Y/n)," Artie says, once again drawing the attention back to you, "this is your first time collaborating as an actual singer on an album. What's it like?"
"Well, it's different for certain," you say, leaning forward and resting your elbows on the table, "I'm used to writing my own lyrics with no input, but 2D, knowing me as well as he does, wrote the ones for my song. It was all very exciting, meeting up with him to discuss the song,"
"I'm sure that wasn't all you were meeting up to do," Noodle says with a smirk. You shoot her a playful glare, and twirl a lock of hair around your finger.
"I don't kiss and tell. But it's been fun. It's makes a nice change, because it's a different genre of music than I'm used to singing, you know? 2D is a fantastic lyricist, but I have to say I was worried when I heard he'd be writing my song, because we're so different in terms of songs. I mean, compare Sleeping Powder or Punk to my kind of stuff, y'know? Anyway, I got there, I read the song, and I thought it was absolutely perfect. Perfect for me, perfect for the album, perfect for the image I think Gorillaz are trying to get across in Humanz,"

Artie chuckles, but his vision is focused on something just past your shoulder.
"Well, you're certainly singing it's praises, so I definitely can't wait to hear you singing the actual song. Say, 2D, you alright?"

You look over, and find 2D gazing at you, wide eyed and slightly open mouthed, his head tilted slightly to the side.

"(Y/n), have I ever told you how much I love you?"

Everyone in the studio laughs, including you, but 2D just grins bashfully and leans over, taking your hand.
"Cos I really do,"

You lean across your chair and kiss his cheek.
"I love you too, D," you say, ignoring Murdoc's gagging noises, "and I love the song you wrote for me,"

He grins and kisses you properly, his hand sliding up your arm and neck to cup your cheek.

"Well, ladies and gentlemen, we certainly have two lovebirds in the studio here today," Artie says with a gentle chuckle as you and 2D pull apart, still letting your foreheads touch.

"I love you," you whisper, just for him to hear, "so much,"

He beams and kisses you again, quickly, and then shifts back into his chair, leaning towards the microphone.

"So, 2D, how do you feel about what (Y/n)'s said about the song you wrote?"
He doesn't pause, just looks over at you and smiles proudly.
"I feel like the luckiest man in the world.

"I feel like the luckiest man in the world

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