Movie night but turns into some stuff

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Movie night with 2D was a sacred night. It happened every Sunday night without fail, and the two of you always made sure it was perfect. Both of you looked forward to movie nights, and tonight you were particularly excited. The two of you had already set up a blanket fort, complete with a string of twinkling fairy lights. It was just big enough to hold the two of you, but it was definitely small enough that cuddling was mandatory. With the blanket fort already prepared, you and 2D raided the kitchen assembling the perfect array of snacks for movie-time munching. You cooked the popcorn and dug in the cupboards for a couple of boxes of your favorite candies while he mixed up a pitcher of Kool-Aid—managing to spill a great deal of the brightly colored beverage in his hastiness. You laughed as he groaned and reached for a towel to clean it up–not that it really mattered, the kitchen was a generally untidy area to begin with. As he cleaned, you sneakily pelted him with skittles, watching him look around in confusion for the mysterious objects bouncing off of his head and shoulders. Eventually, he spotted the candy as it flew by his head, and he turned to you with an accusatory glare. "Need something, Stu?" you questioned innocently. "Fucker," he mumbled with a grin and tossed the candy back at you. You expertly dogged the flying sweet and stuck your tongue out at him, obviously proving your superiority. Before he could retaliate, you snatched the popcorn and ducked out of the room. "You're gonna regret that!" he called after you teasingly. "Oh yeah?" you called back before tip-toeing back to the doorway. "Then make me," you said with a defiant grin, popping your head around the corner. "Alrigh', I will," he replied with a smirk. "But let's have movie night first," he added more gently. "Deal," you agreed with a nod. You disappeared to the makeshift fort in order to set up the laptop and the movie. 2D took turns with you, and this week it was your turn. You had selected a romantic comedy with glowing reviews: The Bee Movie. You picked some cheesy romance movie that Stuart would inevitably cry about more than you. In fact, you didn't really even have intentions of watching the movie at all. It was one of those nights. You plumped a pillow up and leaned against it, munching on popcorn while you waited for 2D. He poked his head in and hunkered his entire body to wriggle into the small space. He clambered over you to seat himself behind you. Once he got settled in, you snuggled against his chest and began the movie. Though it was nice enough cuddling with 2D, you were rather bored with the movie already. You placed your hand on his knee and travelled it upwards. 2D wrapped his arm around your waist, his fingers toying with the hem of your shirt. You scooted farther back into lap, running your fingers gently up and down his thigh. He hummed in satisfaction and his hand crept under your shirt. His fingers wandered about your skin, his fingertips dancing across your waist. As he slowly eased his hand upward, he gripped your hip with his other hand–pressing his fingers firmly into your skin. You lifted your arms and he took the cue to slip your shirt off. He ran his the backs of of his fingers along your curves, sending shivers down your spine and causing goosebumps to form across your exposed flesh. You tilted your head to the side, and he brushed your hair away from your neck, placing a gentle kiss. You flipped your body around to face him and straddled his leg, eager to get things moving. Without hesitation, you slid your hands under his shirt and lifted it off of him. You draped your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. He moved his lips against yours passionately and the two of you began breathing more heavily. As your kisses deepened, your hips picked up a pace, and 2D's hands abandoned your hips–searching for the button of your jeans. As his hands fumbled blindly at your button and zipper, your lips migrated towards his jaw and neck. You nibbled gently at his skin, your anticipation growing. Eventually, he managed to unzip your pants, and you shimmied them down your legs–kicking them hastily off of your ankles. He wrapped his arms around you, pressing your body as close to him as possible. He dragged his fingers down your back as slowly as possible, giving you a sly smirk. "Remember when I told yew, I was gonna make yew regret bein' so cheeky?" he tormented. "Well, you better get after it, little boy blue, because I don't regret anything," you teased back. With a newfound playfulness, 2D firmly pressed you into the ground. He quickly removed his belt and undid his trousers. He fully unclothed himself and hooked his thumbs in the waistband of your panties before leaning over you and whispering "Shouldn'a taunted me like that." 2D yanked your panties down to your knees, and you wriggled them off the rest of the way. He pressed one hand firmly against your shoulder and with the other one he began teasing you. He inserted a finger and worked up a rhythm before adding a second. As he worked, you moaned, feeling that familiar warmth build up just below your tummy. He increased his pace, bringing you near the edge. And just as you got there, he stopped, leaning in to kiss you as you protested. After a few moments, he started again, softly and slowly–this time rubbing his own length as well. He gradually worked his pace up to where it had been, and you came even nearer to the edge than before as he abruptly stopped once more. Needing to let go, you begged for him. "I told yew I'd win," he said with a grunt indicating he was close too. "Stu please," you moaned breathlessly. "Fuck it doesn't work as well when I need it too," he said lining himself up to you. He thrusted into you and both of you moaned in ecstasy and relief. He continued on while you left bite marks and hickies along his neck, which he'd wear proudly the next day. He picked up his speed as he neared the edge, his thrusting no longer rhythmic but rather sporadic and anxious. Your toes curled and you dug your fingernails deep into his skin. "I'm almos' there..." he groaned. "I'm close, D, I'm so clo–" You released causing him to finish alongside you. He grinned, his face glistening with sweat, and you laughed too, both of you panting and trying to catch your breath. He plopped down beside you, gently running his fingers through your hair as the both of you cooled down and slowed your breathing. "That movie was sort of rubbish..." 2D joked. "Love you too, D," you replied.

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